Psychopomps: Sleep and Death

His nose says syphilis but the rest of his face says skin cancer

Do you know if this was in Philly or Pittsburgh?

lol remember when he accused her of being nothing but a rubber stamp of approval for Hillary Clinton? So rich!

I just brushed up on civics for my citizenship interview! In the official document the government gives you, the explanation for why senators get more time per term is because they are supposed to be more free from having to appeal to the voting base, so if the House (where reps get elected every two years) passes

And this was all in front of your real estate agent? Some people have no shame.

Wow, I have not seen a Key of Awesome video since 2011. What has happened to my life

I sincerely hope so! (Because that sounds like what we all thought about Trump up until now.)

They’ll only impeach him to cover their asses for not being explicitly racist and misogynist.

Isn’t the Netherlands about to elect a nationalist, racist Islamophobe too?

Kind of depressing he only had to skip three though. #glasshalfempty

Trump thinks he can rule America like a king.

Now playing

Thanks! I had applied last summer thinking it would be great to vote in November against DT and my Republican senator and representative, but alas it was not to be.

I... am not so conflicted about disagreeing with this ship. The scene where she went to Brocket Hall was so cringey to me because it was literally making her out to be in love with her dad (since Melbourne was her father figure in real life). I guess the choice to add that romantic tension is understandable, but I

I wish I was more I could do for you and your family than say, “Hang in there!” But the irony was not lost on me when I had my immigration interview on the day before the inauguration, after waiting almost 7 months even after living in the US for essentially my whole life, and being Canadian. It is hard enough to come

You forgot Rakugo

Just wanted to boost this! I went to a seminar last fall on the topic of violence vs. these kinds of disorders, and the speaker made it clear that people with mental disabilities or psychological disorders are no more likely to commit violent crime than the general population. It actually does increase upon leaving

Is she really faculty though? She’s listed as department manager but doesn’t appear under the list of actual faculty.

I realized this afternoon during the press conference why it is that I hate Donald Trump so much whenever he speaks. It isn’t his tiny vocabulary, or his annoying voice, or even those weird things he does with his shrimp fingers and his puckering anus mouth.

Very creative gif usage here

Yeah I was so confused by that, was he saying that he’s too cool to be abused?