I just want to say that I appreciate your Kinja handle
I just want to say that I appreciate your Kinja handle
Honey on top of breaded chicken breasts. Sorry I still enjoy my food like a 10 year old
I was gonna say, if we’re gonna just run with the ball here, Trump is 4chan /a/’s magical anime catgirl waifu:
I believe that some detractors have criticized Obama’s policy towards Syria as overly cautious, given that he wants to avoid Bush’s mistakes of intervention in Iraq and Afghanistan and is always looking out for American interests first and in the long term. Years from now I’m sure Obama will sit down for an interview…
Hey anime binges are extremely important in stabilizing Japan’s economy in these hard times
Lately I have been asking myself this question too
mmm yeah all that hard thick wood (though sequoias, being conifers, are classified as soft wood; maybe a solid, leafy majestic white oak instead (oaks also come in red and black varieties and grow to a variety of ages, so if you have a particular age or racial inclination there is some flexibility))
idk maybe it’s just a bunch of old people getting a bad case of the Alzheimers passing their stupidity onto an impressionable generation
Hey Lauren, congrats on getting the weekend slot on Jezebel! I just want to thank you for your amazing use of the word ‘colubrine’.
...and I find out it’s fake. Explains why there wasn’t any new footage. It looked really nice though!
When did that trailer come out? 2016 cannot end quickly enough.
“sopping wet on Superior” I am dying
If I wasn’t so exhausted I would be guaranteed to have nightmares about these pictures tonight
Great job !
This is such an articulate way of stating my disarticulated thoughts about my own privilege! I still have to deal with “Are you from here?” or less well-intentioned <random ching chong noises> as an adult, but at the end of the day I am well-educated, live in a nice home, have plenty of potential career paths open to…
I remember when the Bugs Bunny gif was so common that commenters were berated for posting it. The good ol’ days :)
but he was very good at sprots
WHY CAN’T HE LEARN HOW TO SMILE. He looks like a frog to Mitch McConnell’s turtle!
HamNo, can you compile some accounts from researchers who accept government grants, or from researchers who work in the government/contracted to do government work? Thanks!
ty for linking to the old 500DoK articels