Psychopomps: Sleep and Death

One of my professors told me that when Bush II came to office the NSF was told that it could no longer fund grants that mentioned the word “evolution”. Of course there was also the ban on any research using embryonic stem cells. I find the former incredibly hard to believe as someone interested in evolutionary

I audibly gasped when I saw this pop up. She was so adept at her job as an anchor and a journalist, especially in this age when journalism is so clickbaity and media is so mistrusted. On the bright side: She left us just before Trump was sworn into the presidency.

Yeah but the problem is he isn’t Democrat and he isn’t Republican. He’s Stupid. :(

my scream is harmonizing with your scream

Technically he meant a median IQ right? idk if IQ score distribution in the American population is a bell-shaped curve with the average right in the middle

I just want to say thanks for your service and congrats on your retirement (if that is for real)! Hope this is a bright spot in a depressing night.

If it’s any solace, the NPR data analysts (who are also in disbelief) argue that many of the white working class who supported Obama in 2012 turned to Trump only tonight. So, they argue, it’s not quite as much anti-Obama sentiment as it is anti-Washington, anti-establishment sentiment, though certainly it is possible

Grab ‘em by the

Flashing back to all the Sanders supporters who were probably a little bit right when saying that Sanders would have been the better candidate against Trump

Obama and Crooked Hillary brought them from over the border to vote, that’s why we need the wall

Maybe California will come out for us?


“a couple of central Florida ladies”

“multiple masters degrees”

Were you listening to the All Things Considered program yesterday? That was exactly what went through my mind when they transitioned from the Malheur story to the pipeline protest story.

Even in this article the PETA response is a mishmash of emotional fluff. Saving charismatic endangered species is no controversial stance, but talk about developing GMOs to decrease pesticide use, using lab animals as models for human disease, or shooting invasive goats to save island ecosystems, and they’ll drown

Did you even read the article? The president of LSU uses that very excuse to justify LSU’s continuing sourcing of tigers from these places. Even if they are accepting these tigers as donations, that acceptance is basically a validation of the existence of these zoos, even an endorsement. That’s why it is frowned upon

I think(?) my high-school aged brother was yelling this at me last week, I instantly realized that it was yet another meme that I won’t be bothered to find out about, because I am old and spent of my youthful energy.

Is that where I go, as I’ve heard is custom over at Jezebel, “yaaas queen”?