My standard Saab 900 Turbo was so much fun. I can’t even imagine how rad an SPG is. This one is missing the totally awesome only in the ‘80s SPG rear window louvers.
My standard Saab 900 Turbo was so much fun. I can’t even imagine how rad an SPG is. This one is missing the totally awesome only in the ‘80s SPG rear window louvers.
Where’s the sponcon hashtag?
How the fuck did Donald Fagen get on this list? As if Steely Dan weren’t godawful enough, multitudes of people chose Fagen’s SOLO album?
How the fuck did Donald Fagen get on this list? As if Steely Dan weren’t godawful enough, multitudes of people chose…
This mouse seems great, but there’s just way too many negative reviews on Amazon citing the same issue. If it were a $20 mouse, I’d give it a shot & hope for the best. But even at $50, I expect a little more quality & am not willing to experiment unless there is some evidence that the issue’s been fixed.
This mouse seems great, but there’s just way too many negative reviews on Amazon citing the same issue. If it were a…
Have to agree that Kris is wrong here. By and large, hate speech is protected by the first amendment. But this brings up an interesting point, at what point does advocating an unpopular opinion become an actual call to arms that may actually be worthy of censure of some sort?
I’m not short (5'10") and I sometimes do this. It’s OK in most cars even for me. If there’s no one in the back seat & you can push your seat all the way back, it can be pretty comfortable.
I saw one of those big fire engines (the kind with the little compartment in the rear that has another steering wheel) take a right turn real badly once. It took out a line of cars parked on the curb, it was at least 3 cars, maybe 4. I’ve always wondered what happened to those poor saps. Hopefully they got better than…
I would watch the shit out of We Gon’ Be All White. Although, I think to reach its full potential, it could totally use the full budget of GOT.
I actually like whiskey quite a lot too. But have been seeing some fancy bars stocking unaged moonshine as “white whiskey.” I forget the brand, but I tried it and it’s like whiskey but with all the good whiskey things taken out.
Gin is not like vodka at all except that they are both distilled spirits and they are both clear. Heck, I’d say vodka is actually closer to whiskey if you take away the aging in barrels part (which is basically what moonshine is).
Alice Cooper is the only Republican rock star who I still respect. He generally doesn’t speak much about it (as far as I know). He’s incredibly smart & well spoken. I can only hope he’s a like a die hard fiscal conservative & that he hates the direction the GOP has taken.
How the hell Too Dark Park made it on that list, I have no idea. I would also argue against Dee Dee King, but I also get it.
Gerard De Rooy would like a word with you.
My folks seemed to go into “you can’t take it with you” mode & decided to buy my poor ass a new car. They dictated the maker (Koreans, so Hyundai). We sprang for the blue ‘cuz I was sick of owning black cars & my wife haaaaaates white cars (I can show her pics of sweet white BMWs or Saabs for days & she won’t budge).…
Anyone that puts Podrick in their death draft is a fool!
This may be the thing that finally turns me off BMW. Munich, what hast thou wrought?
These are not uncommon in the SF Bay Area. But that’s ‘cuz the people that ride them tend to be spoiled man-children, which SF has in spades.
Now we need a response from Ben Sherman.