
I dunno. I worked with a person who is clearly pretty certifiable & a textbook psychopath with a complete lack of empathy. He could be, if he was on your side, quite charming & interesting. But he could also decide that you were one of the bad ones all of a sudden & do a complete emotional 180. He did it customers, he

Also relevant:

“You can’t palm it ‘cuz your dick’s right there.”

Well, if Beat Takeshi’s involved, I’m down.

That the “lose” vs. “loose” confusion is pretty much codified into the history of rock’n’roll by so many albums with the mislabeling of Johnny Thunders’s “Born To Lose” as “Born To Loose,” is one of my greatest disappointments in life.

I learned on an old Toyota PU w/pretty shitty clutch engagement. Driving a car with a nice clutch & transmission was a revelation. I think it’s better to learn on a shitbox that’s barely holding together.

That’s what you get for going OEM. It’s pretty easy to put a bike back together on the cheap. Especially for something like the ubiquitous (and absolutely wonderful) SV650.

“Jess suggested that if I didn’t feel comfortable, I should sign the release form anyway, and could tell them I ‘changed my mind’ after the fact.”

I’m Asian-American (Korean-American, specifically). And I loved Ghost In The Shell when I first saw it so many years ago. I’m always upset when Hollywood does this. Still, I think I’d be more upset if Lucy Liu was cast than I am that Scarlet Johannson was. But that probably has more to do with the fact that I just

How much you wanna bet this guy’s follow-up/response plan would make an email marketer proud? The chances he even uses software like Marketo or something to do it.

I dunno if bikers are more susceptible. I’ve run into this situation in both a car & on a motorcycle. It’s really unnerving either way, but definitely much more so on a bike as the likely consequences are much worse. I would do the same thing the guy above did, slow down and pull over.

I like to make my Waze icon the big truck and use it while lanesplitting on my motorcycle ‘cuz I’m a big jerk.

That bike is hideous and gives me agita. I’m so glad they did it!

I drove up to Tahoe once in my Subaru (EJ22, 4EAT auto trans, think grocery getter, not rally raid). Pretty sure I even had chains on at the time. Having grown up in non-snowy CA my whole life, I’m a VERY cautious snow driver. We’re going around a big wide sweeping left hand turn up the pass to Tahoe. I’m plodding

It sucks when you know that hyperlink is Rick roll. But when you click on it just to prove you’re right, YouTube plays a commercial first. :(

Weird, I guess I don’t watch that much TV in general. Sticking to a few specific shows. But I’ve always found that when watching Dr. Who, or other British TV shows I enjoy, that sometimes it’s just so refreshing that there are actors in roles who just happen to be people of color and it’s no big thing.

Yeah, Dakar is somewhat known for being a bit opaque and capricious when it comes to penalties.

Clearly she is only familiar with classical or Flamenco guitarists? I have been a pretty big Hillary supporter in the past. But if I had to choose between Paco De Lucia & Jimi Hendrix...

Surviving is great. But how much does some shit like that end up costing you? How much does insurance pay for rescue & recovery?

Mine’s just an almost.