
"Perhaps more alarming than Jain's defense of his sleepiness at the wheel, however, is the fact that Alper's family seems to be buying it in their lawsuit against Jain and Tesla..."

All the same, there IS something nice about seeing someone that chose a color other than red.

This really does look exactly like what it is. A Golf with a slightly different body. Pretty meh to me. I used to have a thing for the old Scirrocos. They looked kinda like the Audi Quattro's cousin from the poor side of the family. I'm pretty sure the old Sciroccos were much more than a different body on the same

And maybe tell the lady in your life that this guy's one of the rally's big up and comers (they can look forward to a few more years of watching him at least).

Is it as impossible to drive as the Warthog in Halo?

4.6? We sleep through those in California.

They're giving away R8s on TPIR now? Wow, what a way to winnow the gene pool. Seriously doubt that most people competing to be on TPIR can handle that much car.

Seriously, reading this article is WAY harder than actually steaming a bunch of clams. Mussels are a bit harder, but it's still being made to be much harder than it is.

You beat me to it.

EJ22, not a problem. I hear it's much more difficult on 2.5L and also later models.

I read an article about her last week in our local paper. This article is missing the part where she got a pretty much perfect SAT and she's like 99% set on going to MIT. But still, bravo on your reactionary asshat troll comment.

Christ, I used to see a lot of those when I was growing up. You're definitely right there. I don't think I've seen one in the flesh since I was a teenager.

I still see quite a few crawling around both the east and west sides of the SF bay areas. You'll never see them for sale. But you'd hafta be a pretty big fan to want one of those.

Seriously, this is seven a debate at all? AWD helps, but if you can't stick in the first place...

For some reason the big ol' SUV in front of that yellow Veloster is kinda funny to me. Not really the ideal vehicle for your chance to drive the Ring.

I dunno, those rearview mirrors look like insect antennae that were just added on from last year's JC Whitney catalog.

My parents (first generation Korean immigrants) were dedicated to Cadillac in the '80s as their "we came to America and we MADE IT!" status cars. I think they ended up going through 3 or 4 over the course of 12-15 years before they gave up on them due to quality issues. I can concur from first hand experience that

Both these cars are crazy, even if they're in great shape. I got my 1998 Subie Impreza Outback for less than $5k. Even with almost 150k miles, that's a way better deal than either of these.

How can someone who doesn't know the difference between "walk in" and "walking" afford a studio that is probably over $2k/month.

That's pretty much true of any automotive message board.