
I was pretty surprised that she basically put a threesome on the table!  It made me think she got up to more than we the viewers saw when she was hanging out in the village with that photographer lady.

yeah, Moss was fantastic in that scene with Pete at the restaurant.  Her expressions add in whole paragraphs of dialogue without saying a word.

I thought the headline said "Andrew WK," not "Andrew Dice Clay."  and now I'm a lot less interested in this movie.

That is a *great* comparison between Nixon and Don.  (Don wasn't groomed to power by Prescott Bush, of course, but I'll take it anyway.)

Pretty sure the dude is just there to present an example of the 'unctuous self-serving liar' personality cliche that came to represent ad men of the 1970s and 1980s.

I think it's more of the same trademark Campbell feeling-sorry-for-himself bullshit.  He sees hippies as burnouts and wasteoids, non-contributors to society, so for him, smoking a joint is just another shade on his palette of self-destructive wallowing.

Truly a great moment for ol' Joanie.  I feel reasonably sure that Pete assumed she'd slept with the guy to get the in, too— "Nice work, company whore; we'll take it from here."  Never have I found a character as thoroughly off-putting as Pete Campbell so interesting at the same time.