
@theVolcomj3rk: A while back I read an article that actually went through the math of the odds of that happening, but I can't find it now. So you'll have to read this instead:

Speaking of strange happenings in 2010...

@piezeppelin: Well, I'm not against rare steaks (I happen to like them), or raw foods in general, but raw ground beef just seems like a bad idea. I suppose if you ground it yourself, it would be fine, but if it's been sitting around for any period of time, I, personally, wouldn't trust it.

Okay... 2 things.

@Timeshredder: Unfortunately, I didn't watch Firefly until it was already cancelled. But that's an interesting note. I didn't know that before.

I'm surprised this aired in Canada before it aired in the States. We got something first (I suppose we're second, but before USA) for once! Huzzah!

It sucks, but it's really their own fault.

Question for you physicists. Would the dimples on a golf ball affect the shot in any way - positively or negatively?

@grimjack28: Yes, a gun is a tool. But what is its primary (and only) purpose? To kill things. Nothing more.

Anyone here going to Nuit Blanche in Toronto tomorrow? I am. I've been meaning to go almost every year since I first heard of it, but this is the first time I'm actually going.

@jinchoung: I'm pretty sure that's not how time dilation works (but please, somebody correct me if I'm wrong).

@colorebel: In winter, I shutoff the water going to the outside hoses, and then drain the line. This happens whether I'm going on vacation or not.

@goldentreesang: While I agree that it's hard to tell time near the half hour mark, it actually gives you an extra hour on what you think it is.

Technically, Doctor Evil isn't even a mad scientist at all:

@Dexomega: Unfortunately, they didn't throw the chickens (at least at the show I saw). Though that would have been rather entertaining.

Geddy Lee (of Rush) uses different props during his concerts to balance out his side of the stage.

@DJKGinHD: I believe you're correct. There's also the other case, which is probably the most "standard" definition: the officer approaches you asking you to sell him drugs.

@rmardo: Admins would know you're there, but they won't be able to see your information.

I must point out that even though SSL works for Facebook, all the links on the page will be non-SSL.