
Yeah but the timing was different back then so a few episodes of Pearl Island had aired before they went off to film All Stars. They didn't see his whole season but they still went in feeling like he wasn't a total stranger. I'm guessing the same was true for China/FvF too.

"I love mankind, it's people I can't stand!"

It's also the most common word for slaughterhouse in Commonwealth English. I didn't realise Americans didn't use it. This is like 'fortnight' all over again.

Hey, I agree about not needing a shocking twist ending every episode but wildcards are important for the show. If everyone was playing logically and strategically the whole thing would get formulaic fast. Unpredictable, overemotional or delusional people are interesting roadblocks that good players have to work

"Spencer clearly guessed with the first piece and then just lucked out."

That's what i thought too. Maybe they're voting whether to give up something big for more shelter.

I got a bit of a kick out of that Savage scene just because Dan from last season complained that he'd spent a day early on crying over his wife and they didn't televise it. He used it as evidence that he was unfairly villainised by the edit and went on a huge tirade against Survivor on post-show interviews.

That was great. It feels like so many people are going to be playing well this season.

I'll just chime in to say that I'm poor, a wimp about the cold, and of only average fitness and I loved the Annapurna base camp trek. I did it last year over Christmas and it was stunningly beautiful the whole way.

Yeah, I don't even get these. They just seem like abstract combinations of imagery and quotes.

I like the idea of approaching serious topics like depression in a simple, non-threatening way but god I agree with you on the art style. Everyone's drawings look the same and I don't know why that doesn't annoy more people.

I wouldn't say there was a macho vibe but it does seem like it's more focused on the white guys than it needs to be. There were also several very interesting women that summitted and were caught in the 1996 storm but I couldn't see any of them in the trailer, only a 'concerned wife' walking trope. And that's not to

I have to disagree about the female character relationship part. Stories about older women preying on innocent younger women are pretty damn common and they reinforce this idea that old women are bitter hags and that female worth is tied to youth (well, more than male worth anyway).

I've been hoping so. Jared needs a win.

It's funny you bring up Howl's because that book was a big part of my childhood but 'When Marnie Was There' was a HUGE part of my mother's childhood. When I first found out that it was going to be adapted, I sent a link to her and she immediately told all her old school friends.

I'm with you. That finale was so bad I couldn't look directly at the screen. Too much second-hand embarrassment.

The concept of a reverse Godzilla movie with naked Leonard and an apartment full of lizards got me good. I missed the next few lines.

I love her so much it's worrying me. I haven't been so attached to a single survivor in years, I don't know what I'm going to do if she gets voted out.

Veronica Mars and Party Down are two of my favorite series of all time but I still can't bring myself to watch this. Every element sounds gross, ridiculous or bandwagon-jumpy.

I think it was the right move in this case. Like Jenn, I got a really creepy - could snap at any moment and cause chaos - vibe from Vince.