I use something similar (leechblock on Chrome) and while it’s good for straight blocking (Sorry Giz and Kotaku), my ADD-side won’t allow my work-side to add feedly/my RSS reader to the block list. :-/
I use something similar (leechblock on Chrome) and while it’s good for straight blocking (Sorry Giz and Kotaku), my ADD-side won’t allow my work-side to add feedly/my RSS reader to the block list. :-/
My wife’s a mental health social worker and has been saying this since the primaries. It’s disturbing how spot on the symptoms line up with Trump’s behavior.
Why is anyone here remotely surprised Trump isn’t investigating? He won.
Unless you eat a lot of pozole, you may not have encountered the puffed corn delicacy known as “hominy.”
Not only that, she called them “alternative facts” 30 seconds after saying “I don’t think anyone can verify the numbers one way or another.”
Haha, ditto - honestly, I don’t mind spending the money though. The game provides me with hours and hours of entertainment, so I really don’t mind throwing $20 at them a handful of times a year to cover server and continued development costs.
As I said elsewhere (when I was shooting players to heal them as Lucio) I thought it meant how “boosted” a player was by my shooting at them. :-/
Here’s where I made a crucial mistake: I assumed that to heal or speed up your buddies, you had to shoot them.
dammit, I didn’t scroll down far enough before saying the same thing.
the same ones who say people in countries with famine and drought should just up and move someplace else.
How would Vue and Sling hurt ESPN? As far as I’m aware ESPN is included on the most basic tier of both services. I have the basic tier of Vue and I get ESPN.
Disagree. McCain started to suck after losing the primary in 2000. He was actually a get-something-done kinda guy, but after losing, he started towing the Republican party line, no matter where it led him. I assume it was to stay in the leadership’s good graces so he got his shot in 2008, but he had sucked for years…
These puns are taking atoll on me.
“My kids came home from school and they had no idea it was called the Oval Office, they thought it was called the Oral Office.”
But it happened on his watch, so that makes him personally responsible, right? Isn’t that how it works? If so, Hillary gets a pass on Benghazi.
Hmmmm, on the fence about Rise of Iron. I kinda lost interest in Destiny around House of Wolves and, although I bought the Taken King, I was left straight up confused by all the changes (no, now we’re using this currency, light level is dependent on these metrics, Factions work this way) and barely played it. I think…
and cut down wind noise.
So don’t buy it and do without. Content isn’t a necessity. Every time you pirate something, you give them a scapegoat to use when lobbying the legislature. If no one pirated, and sales plummeted, they would have no option but to change their business model. Instead, they jack up prices to cover “shrinkage” and…