
I don’t understand the hate. This is not a wedge issue where you can sympathize with Miller. I just wish the elderly man a spiedie recovery.

then pull a Michalangelo and do something different and PotG worthy,

You’ve obviously never worked in software, then.

Or the glitter one. If he was even remotely careful that would have worked.

Obviously I meant “And boo hoo, a student *doesn’t* get to use a piece of software they wanted to try.”

Stop jumping to conclusions. Not everyone uses torrent sites to pirate content.

Here in America we have a proud tradition that if you’re even part black, you’re black. At least as far as a white person’s obligation to hate the current President, telling you which water fountains to drink from, and if you’re allowed to/how much your vote counts.

The only thing that stops an imaginary bad guy with a gun is a bunch of real good guys with guns shooting at each other.

Yeaaaahhh. “I’ll only have 1 drink” is easy to say, but if I have 1 drink, I’m twice as likely to two drinks. The problem there is if I have two drinks, I’m four times as likely to have three drinks. And if I have three drinks, well, exponents are a bitch.

One very important thing to note that most novice runners don’t know: your running shoe size should be about a half to a full size bigger than your normal shoe size, e.g., I wear a 9.5 shoe and a 10.5 running shoe. Your toes need space to splay, your foot will swell, and if you stick with your “true” size, the tips of

I posted my Altra lovefest elsewhere in the comments, but will second this. After running in Altras for several months and not squishing my toes, I’ll never go back to normal shoes. They look like clown shoes, but they were a game changer for me.

Been on two 4 mile runs where no progress was made on eggs because the game locked up. Disappointing.

Seconding Altras. I switched to them about 5 months ago because I switched my running form to a fore/midfoot strike (I used to heelstrike) and “normal” shoes caused my toes to sandwich into each other. I’ve become a total fanboy. Now my toes spread out when easy-peasy when I run and I just can’t wear shoes with a

The console companies should just cave in and allow native kb/m support.

Wear headphones or, well, a headphone (and not the noise-cancelling kind).

Thanks for your timely reply. Did it take you the whole year to think that up?

Honestly a one to one-and-a-half year delay is pretty on par with most kickstarter projects I’ve backed. Color me unsurprised and at this point, frankly not that bitter about it.

I just turned 40. It’s sooooo weird. I CAN’T BE THIS OLD!

So many good childhood memories from that game.