
If I make it and say “this is what I charge” and you say, “fuck you, I’m taking it without paying you a dime,” yeah, I hold my “corporate fuckery” in higher regard than your personal beliefs. Whether something is made by a single person or a corporation that employs dozens of people to make that thing is irrelevant.

Hey. The information leaked. It’s not the time to point fingers, it’s just time for him to finger out how he’s going to play going forward. Digit?

Your pirating of movies and TV shows can really be summed up as “I am entitled and think I should get things on my terms. Clearly, I give more shits about my own personal philosophy than giving you money on terms you as the rightsholder have dictated.”

I was really hoping this was going to be an article about vampire hunting. *sigh*

Where is person 3 going to lose 5 lbs just to get into the tippy top of normal? They have a flat stomach and muscle everywhere else.

I’ll say, it coincides with what my scale tells me (through the impedance method) - ~12% body fat.

5’8” and normally at ~178lbs here - I’m a top 1/3rd-in-my-age-group-races triathlete with a lot of upper body muscle. I am effing healthy. But I’ve been denied “health rewards” at work because they are based on a “healthy” BMI (<27) and I was a 27.1. I literally had to not drink liquids the morning of my last test so

Withings Smart Body Analyser scale does all that - body fat%, tracking - and integrates with RunKeeper and LoseIt and you don’t have to leave your home.

Writing and editing are two different parts of my brain. I can edit what I wrote as long as I set it aside first.

And proofread. Then proofread again. I missed two obvious errors in my post because I only did a first passthrough. :)

It’s tough and I’ve been in your shoes. The short answer is to a) practice writing, b) have someone - anyone - critique what you wrote, and c) revise and repeat.

You realize that the image you posted just undermined your entire point, right? Look at all the cases of measles before the vaccine, and then look at the rapid decline. Even if there are rare instances of the side effects you list, the cost is outweighed by the benefit.

Gonna chime in here. I wasn’t raised anything, but had some friends in high school that invited me to an Episcopal service once. It was awesome (as far as church services go). People were chill, fun and really lived the “all are welcome” idea. I kept going and a little while later I got baptized. Now, I haven’t been

I know, right? Why would Kotaku possibly seem to be Destiny-heavy in its coverage?!

I’m more surprised those houses and barns are still standing. I’d expect at least one driver here and there loses control on that course and blasts through the side of a building. In the video he blows by a house next to the street while in 6th gear; that isn’t 20mph.

I have a friend that bought a, literally, multi-thousand dollar oculus/PC setup around this game. He LOVES it.

You friend is probably right - Roberts’ dissent mentions that he would have preferred a focus on, for example, denial of hospital visitation, etc.:

Hey now - there are plenty of us lawyer folk that think the legal reasoning was flawed (Roberts’ dissent is probably closer to the way it should have gone, purely legally speaking) but are SO EFFING HAPPY WITH THE RESULT WE DON’T CARE!!!

What this doesn’t mention is that a lot of annuities are designed - based on your health/habits/etc - around you dying at age X (those that don’t pay a death benefit). If you die before then, the annuity company makes money because they didn’t end up paying you those years of X minus Years_old_at_death. That’s a win

So much this.