
I love Destiny-related articles, but who is this article for? Everyone that plays Destiny (unless you literally started playing a week ago) knows exactly what Thorn is and what it takes to get it. And if you don't play Destiny, why would you care? I'm not trying to be a dick, I just don't understand the intended

That’s great and all, I just hope she keeps making the show because I friggin’ love it.

Since Dogma? Are you serious. Look, I like most Kevin Smith movies. But Dogma was garbage dialogue-wise. A great idea with some funny parts, but on the whole, just garbage. The only one worse than Dogma was Jay and Silent Bob Strikes Back (although “what the f**k is the Internet?” is an amazing scene.)

Iknorite?! To expect people pay for content, to play by the rules, and ideally dream that maybe people have a shred of integrity?! I should be committed.

I feel bad for the poor forward-thinking schlubs at DC that have been trying to get upper management to approve this - probably for years - and that read this and all the comments. I am sure there are people inside that point to this article and say “SEE! People want it!!!” and upper management are like “No, it will

That you have on a physical medium? No, of course not. That you pay a continuing fee to access provided by somebody else? Yes, if they don’t have a license to do that in that territory.

Honestly, I think ad blockers are pretty crappy. I personally don’t use them. Non-commerce sites needs to make money to pay for their service, so they do it by selling ads (unless your info is the product they’re selling), so I don’t mind them putting them up if I like the site. If a site takes forever to load or has

If everyone thought the way you do, we’d still have to pay full price for an album when we only like one song.

We can agree that none of us know the details of their deals, but it has been speculated that Netflix pays for a license in each territory - that’s why content isn’t available in all territories. If you’re not in that territory, they aren’t paying for you to access it.

Oh yeah. “Woe is me, the non-american. I don’t have writers or musicians or actors in my country.” Please. Support local art and stop coveting the drivel that Hollywood puts out.

You pay Netflix, but who says Netflix pays the copyright holders? Netflix paid for it in Canada, not worldwide. I’d be surprised if it wasn’t Netflix making a ton of money and the copyright holders - you know the ones that actually have a legal right to be paid - see nothing for it.

The copyright holders. It’s their IP. If you don’t like it, don’t buy it. But don’t give them a scapegoat to blame either by downloading it or using a VPN to get it where it isn’t licensed.

No, that’s pretty much it. Well, unless they say gays shouldn’t be married. I’m kind of a buzzkill about that too.

Ah yes, because I feel people deserve to be paid for their work and letting the free market show those asking too much the door if the consumer won’t pay the asked-for price. Yeah, I’m a monster.

we do have a right to consume intellectual property.

I do in fact, people just know not to talk about ways to scam others around me.

Or you could just do without content that isn’t available in your area. It might incentivize the companies to bring it there.

This trailer (not the movie) has a special place in my heart because my Air Force girlfriend blurts out “Emma, your hair’s not reg!” every time it comes on. She literally can’t help it.