*initially misread the headline to say “if your girl is the right temperature”*
*initially misread the headline to say “if your girl is the right temperature”*
yeah, I got away from your original point - it IS a double standard. It sucks and there’s really no way around it. But there are really only two approaches: You can just bite your tongue and be annoyed or you can sink to their level. *shrug*
I disagree with that. I’m sure if you said “I can’t take criticism, but I’m working on it” that’d probably kill a candidate for me. We revise people’s work ALL the time, you can’t take it personally. If you do, this isn’t the job for you.
they’ve been duped into 1st dates with short dudes who are insecure about their height.
I made this comment a couple years ago somewhere on here when this came up, but I figure (at 5’8”), if you’re the type of girl that is 5’4” and says “no one under 6’ because I like to wear heals!” (yes, spelled that way too), then I figure, “hey, I’m not for you and you’re not for me, and that’s ok.”
There’s nothing wrong with revealing a genuine weakness, but you can still put a good spin on it (as long as it’s honest).
I did pretty well (I mean getting responses and going on dates, not hooking up) when I was doing online dating and the consistent feedback I got was “I was so glad you didn’t have a shirtless pic.”
Sorry if this is a dumb question, but is the Neutrogena sunscreen intended for general coverage or just for facial use?
Sorry if this is a dumb question, but is the Neutrogena sunscreen intended for general coverage or just for facial…
Not directly on point, but one of my favorite parts of the Holstee Manifesto is “If you are looking for the love of your life, stop; they will be waiting for you when you start doing things you love.” Honestly, I think it shows a lot of confidence and initiative when someone says “oh, who’d you go with?” and you’re…
God, this. I have USAA (thanks, dad!) and I know they aren’t always the cheapest, but any time I’ve ever had a problem, they HANDLE IT. I’m too old (not really) to be fighting with my insurance company about he said/she said crap if there’s an accident or problem. I almost don’t care how much more it costs; the…
But no, Hawkeye was saved by my third-favorite character in the Marvel universe behind Squirrel Girl and Strong Guy.
Well, if it’s dumb, I guess we’re dumb and dumber because I came to ask the same question.
Completely fair point on the “formatting email” aspect, and my apologies for any implication otherwise. I’ve had jobs where we had dedicated people for “word processing” to help format and proofread documents and that group usually fell under the purview of IT, but you are correct - I wouldn’t expect the guy that sets…
For example, if someone tells you about an issue they’re having with formatting their email, you could send them an article or Q&A that addresses their issue.
I was kidding. Getting rejected just plain sucks, no two ways about it. But being “cool” about it is way better than being the “wow, I really dodged a bullet by turning him down” guy.
At 200cc it’s about nothing but speed and how you control it, if speed becomes a liability at jumps or whatever it’s not fun (turning it’s supposed to be).
No horse stance?! This video is useless.
I get your position on the whole to-prenup-or-not, but I will say this about this particular thread: the CA bar exam spends a good amount of material on the laws of Community Property and, my God, having a written contract like a prenup as to who gets what is sooooo much easier than untangling that spaghetti.
I have been divorced for 9 years. Was all in too, but marrying young and growing in different ways takes its toll on a marriage. Although neither of us had any real assets to speak of, a prenup certainly would have made at least part of the divorce easier.