
Isn’t that how Randy became Lorde? Jump to 1:32.

Tell me about it, I’m 39, I can barely drink two beers without getting a debilitating headache the next day ...[can’t say this part, my gf friggin’ rules] ... yet there are moments where my mind tells me that I’m still 25 and the last 14 years haven’t really happened (because I barely remember any of it).

If you actually think NO DLC is worked on before a game is completed, you do not understand how software development works. Here’s a graphic EA supplied when people complained about Day 1 DLC. You HAVE to work on DLC before the game even ships or there is a lag where team members will get pulled onto other projects or

Not Mortal Kombat, but the “You must defeat Sheng Long to stand a chance” hoax. Oi.

I lol’d. I’d upvote that.

I’ve managed to combine my long and slow trainer rides (steady rides in Zone 2) with doing bounties in Destiny, so I kill two birds with one stone. Diablo III works too.

Granted, my IPA consumption was probably higher than most - and IPAs are very high in calories compared to other beers - but two years ago I stopped drinking for only one month and with no other changes to diet or exercise, I lost 10 lbs (~7% body weight).

I was told in high school (mid 1990s) that there was no woman’s pole vault because they could somehow damage themselves (their babymakers) doing it.

Every week I get an email from them and I think “how did I get on these !@#$!@$ people’s list?! ... Oh wait, these are the people with deals on games. Yeah, I signed up for that.”

Bravo, sir or madam! It is not often I come across a new word for sniggering (albeit more boisterously). Thank you!

Came to say the same. If you don’t know that equality is what feminism is about, then you don’t actually understand even the basic tenets of of feminism.

I’m at Episode 7 and trying really REALLY hard not to blow through it because it’s going to be a while before season 2 comes out. I love the show though. My gf - who isn’t into comic stuff at all - has gone from being-nearby-while-I-watch to watching with me. Good stuff.

Correction - retail soap is bad. My sister started making soap by hand last year and omits a lot of the hardeners and chemically, residue-leaving garbage that retail soap includes. I didn't even realize how gross retail soap was until I ran out of what she sent me (the downside to no hardeners - you burn through it

While I get the idea works for some people, when I’m getting rid of stuff, the last thing I want is stuff in return, even if I get one “big thing” for 10 of my “little things.” I just want it gone, period. Having an unused credit on a site would induce me to buy more stuff, which defeats the purpose.

While I don't disagree that you get more air in through your mouth (speaking as a natural mouth breather), an ultra runner I worked with offered the following reasons to nose-breathe: breathing in through your nose moistens the air more than if you breathed in through your mouth. This lessens some of the dehydration

This was pretty much the entirety of the plotline of season 3 of the Newsroom.

Well the cabinet itself is the hard part. Making a PC is easy and everything's all set up install-wise. The woodworking is what is taking so long because a) I have to go to a woodshop for the tools and b) life just keeps getting in the way. But I'm working on it this spring and will reply again once it's up.

Well the cabinet itself is the hard part. Making a PC is easy and everything's all set up install-wise. The

I'm going to buy it to put on my PC-turned-arcade cabinet. I rely on PC ports of fighting games.

I'm going to buy it to put on my PC-turned-arcade cabinet. I rely on PC ports of fighting games.

I was a conc jumping beast back in the TFC days. Good times.

You posted at 6:54 my time. Next number in the series? 3.