Point Break Patrick Swayze

I’m not saying that at all. A driver who hits a cyclist is at fault. It’s risky for them, is all I’m getting at. They have minimal options, one of which is ride on the roadway where they risk serious injury. Some opt to do that, some don’t. I’ve seen careless drivers speed by many cyclists. I wouldn’t risk it if I

That’s ultimately what I was saying. I know there’s not a lot of options for you guys, which totally sucks, so you’re forced to either limit your activity or risk serious injury every time you’re on the road.

Get the fuck out of here with that bullshit. Drivers are distracted on their phones, radios, etc. It’s easy to drive by someone on a bike and accidentally hit them. Women are accidentally getting raped. Asshole.

Right. I know it’s gotta suck because their options are extremely limited. And I agree they should be allowed to do so and cars should go around safely, but reality is that doesn’t happen, which ties back to my comment of it being risky as fuck to ride on open streets with so many careless drivers.

Eat an asshole. All I was saying is cyclists risk their lives by riding on streets where cars fly by. I don’t understand it, but it’s their right and they choose to do it.

He went into Beast Mode.

I never quite understood why bicyclists risk their lives by riding on the roadways of busy streets. I get it, it’s your right, but knowing how drivers are, why risk it? I used to see cyclists on Route 8 in Pittsburgh where cars were zooming by at 65mph. Dumb. For him, it’s gotta be even worse. The roads in Italy

“Either way, it’s definitely illegal to stand on the back of an unconscious person and do a cool flip.”

I can count on my right hand the number of reasons they shouldn’t have traded him.

Even worse when people dub a track over what could have been some quality porno.

Maybe they’ll rethink that if he drops it like it’s hot.

This would break every PPV record combined and hold the record forever, despite Trump gassing out on the third punch and getting KO’d within the first minute.

The storyline is great. It just wasn’t directed all that well.

The Pens can relay that message to him, like they always do.

Well, kiss it goodbye. Now that it’s getting media coverage, someone will complain and the NHL will put an end to it.

All in favor of letting Lomax transfer?

Man, what’s up with the Pounceys? Their friends and enemies want to kill themselves.

I don’t know what’s worse, the fact that that was the best thing you could come up with or the fact that 13 people and counting have starred it.

All I’m getting at is everything you do every day carries the risk of you dying. I have children, but I also ride motorcycles. According to you, I should stop riding, right, because of the risk involved?

Tell your wife to call me if she wants some adventure in her life.