Mr. T

He did marry his daughter.

I dunno, if someone held up a sign complaining about Nugent's politics at one of his concerts and he unleashed some sexist garbage on them, I'd think that the person holding up the sign was sort of being a tool as well. I mean, it's the Nuge. Of course he is a gun-loving conservative asshole. That's his schtick.

I saw them play in December, and John and DJ Bonebreak looked amazing, Billy Zoom looks like the old conservative christian he is, and Exene just looked like the kind of woman you would desperately avoid making eye contact with on public transportation lest she harangue you with nonsense.

I grew up in to more socially conscious punk, and that doc was a rude awakening. Although from what I've read, the director was basically getting them loaded and trying to get them to say the worst thing imaginable. And it worked!

True but not as horribly as "Guilty of Being White," "White N****r," "I'm Not A Loser," "Slip It In," all the Sex Pistol's jokey nazi songs, etc.

True, but in his defense, holding up a sign complaining about his sexist jokes was kind of dumb. I mean, they are the Dickies. I'm supportive of what SafeSpace is trying to do in terms of reducing sexual assaults at shows, but c'mom.

I was pretty pissed off by Sid Vicious's gender essentialism, and Lee Ving's white feminism, which acted as if intersectionality wasn't even a thing.

I saw them open for the pixies. They were great. No gay baiting stage banter, tho.

I came here to say that anyone who claims to enjoy Drunk is either joking or wrong. Shit is garbage.

Bob Mould's solo on Husker Du's "I Will Never Forget You." Just a ball of pent up rage.

Ok, so that's pretty specific. And awful.

I'm still confused about the allegations. You have one person who alleges they have seen Ben be creepy towards people, but without enough specificity to know whether it is just being creepy or if it veers into actual assault. The tone of the comment is such that the comment could be true or it could just be someone

I dunno. You have one person who says Ben did creepy stuff without any details (and also accused him of being an anti-Semite for posing next to a swastika), and then you have third-hand story that someone told someone that he had done something creepy to them. I think before writing someone off and ending their career

And there was a frantic energy to the show that didn't work for me. Like they were trying to be 30 rock but it just came off like they were trying too hard.

It depends on the case. In general, I think supporting groups who are not racist shitbirds is better than complaining about bands who are, especially in the metal scene which thrives on being controversial and contradictory. For me, it's about choosing not to listen to certain bands or certain albums, and just

I'd say if you are listening to a band that expresses pro-nazi, or racist views, or even flirts with nazism, you are tacitly supporting that viewpoint. Those views have actual real world negative consequences. There's nothing apolitical about choosing to ignore that an artist supports a genocidal worldview. By doing

I grew up listening to punk in the bay area, and any band with a hint of nazi sympathy would be shamed/not covered/not allowed to play shows. Having gotten into metal in my forties, it is jarring how ok the scene is with open nazis.

I get this - the bands are coming for SXSW, and SXSW is to some extent responsible for them (are they sponsoring their visas or vouching for them?). Immigration does not want bands coming to the U.S. and making money without a work visa, and it is a pain to get a work visa (this based on the number of non U.S. bands

I am willing to bet this has been standard in their contracts for years - if you violate the terms of your visa, we'll report you to the immigration authorities (which they have to do). And if we do that, you might be deported. Which has always been the case. it was the case when i was working with students on J-1

Yeah, I used to work for nonprofits who would issue student visas and we would tell students we'd report them to immigration if they got out of status because it was our ass on the line if they were using our program as a way to illegally enter the country. I can't comment on whether it makes sense to do this if they