
“while Rockstar has continuously updated GTA Online for free”

Or you know instead of using an archaic method that was already obsolete when Nintendo launched the system, people could just turn off random messages from people not on their contacts, like PSN lets you do anyway.

Quickly available friend’s list with no friend codes, quickly accessible group parties, ability to join friends mid-game, quickly accessible messaging and chatting, quickly accessible game communities...

Do you have any idea what you’re talking about? Any idea at all?

This deserves a lot of stars for the pure effort put in. It’s the most effort I’ve seen in any kinja ever. You actually got up from your chair and did a thing!

Not excusing the University but what idiot thinks 30 grams of anhydrous caffeine won’t fuck you up? That’s like a dime bag full. Honestly, put 30 grams of powdered sugar or cornstarch on a digital kitchen scale and you can get a sense of how much caffeine that is. Don’t bother, I have. (Yes, I tared the penny)