
Is it ridiculous to not want infotainment at all? Having everything controlled by a touchscreen feels dangerous, inconvenient and confusing to me. Having everything controlled by knobs and buttons that never change location seems so much better. All infotainment systems are outdated and even more annoying in a few

Jet lag, apparently.

Joe, 17: I like that he’s the creative director of Nautica, I’m more into his fashion sense and what he’s done for Nautica. I like concerts and stuff like this, rap and hip hop, and it was in the city, so I was just like, why not just stop by?

As a mostly recovered music snob, I completely agree. I’m not really feeling Yachty but also why would I even fucking care??? I’m a grown-ass adult and I’m secure enough in my taste (which is obviously sterling) that I don’t need to take it as some personal affront that kids are into shit I don’t like. KIDS ARE

Counterpoint: he’s terrible and we should not pretend otherwise because we are afraid to appear old.

I have a ‘13 500 Abarth and a ‘82 Corvette, completely different cars but I love them both dearly. I also have a ‘87 MR2, and that was a harder purchase to make. I did it purely off a Craigslist ad and a few photos and have never sat it it, let alone driven it considering it’s currently an empty shell. Probably the

I have a very strict rule that I only buy cars that make my heart sing. There are faster, nicer, cooler, whatever cars than the ones I own, but without that x factor, I wouldn’t be caught dead owning them. Sticking to this rule means I am immensely satisfied with every vehicle I own.

A CSI-Macgyver-Hawaii Five-O crossover would make me quit, too

so to increase the graduation rate, they’ve decided to essentially make it harder to graduate

This generation of Range Rover is so classic looking. So much better than any of the designs since. I think it holds up very well.

Nothing says, “While you’re here, feel free to rub one out,” like the SI Swimsuit issue.

Of course he wasn’t shot by a cop. He’s not a walnut.

Church stops telling people who and how to fuck, people will stop bring their fucking-related issues to church.

Sen. Murphy is on fire wth this speech! I recommend peeping at the entire excerpt. A bunch of the New England Senators are really acquiring themselves very well under our new world order. The Resistance is strong with them.

When Ethel Merman used a strap-on on me, it didn’t bother me that she could see it.

Cosby apologists started by claiming the fact that only a few women had come forward proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that he’s innocent, because if he’d really been raping women for years there would be many more victims. When the victims started piling up, they immediately switched to claiming that the existence of

Wendy Williams said on her show a few days ago (it’s on YouTube) that she thinks Cosby is guilty but she doesn’t want him going to jail because he’s too sick and too old. I’m willing to bet that a lot of people, including people on that jury, are feeling all kinds of sympathy for him for that same reason. What it’s

Are spinners noisy or something?

Slime and fidget spinners were banned at the exact same time at my school (in the same letter that went home, I mean).

i just don’t get why kids can’t buy silly putty, add beads, and call it a day. this seems excessively twee and time consuming (and super messy)