
I get motion sickness from first-person and third-person games. (An interesting one that people are always surprised by is Little Big Planet. I can’t play that game for more than about 5 minutes.) Fast moving games, slow moving games. Doesn’t seem to matter, although there ARE some first-person games that I CAN play,

I created this post ( in 2018, iirc. I am pretty good at keeping it up to date for the most part, although I think I need to add a few from the last couple of months. It’s amazing to me how much I actually accomplished by simply holding myself accountable.

I have to think that having the word, “shame,” included in the phrase likely (albeit subconsciously) adds to people’s inability to finish games. I have a huge backlog, but I don’t refer to it as a pile of shame. That would just make me feel worse about it and I’d probably be even LESS likely to try and cross games off

I actually laughed audibly at my desk when I read that headline... At myself, really, because I have pretty much never been successful at going back to an old save file. I’ll TRY and then get pissed off, and either give up or start over.

I bought this game when it first came out because I love Chopin (and classical music, in general) and JRPG’s. I remember getting through maybe one chapter before some other game came out and I got completely distracted. At the time, the battle system was really hard to me, as well. If it wasn’t turn based, I would

I always do two things... First, turn on subtitles. I’m so glad to see that other people do this, too! :-) Second, make adjustments to any graphics settings that can exacerbate game-induced motion sickness. So we’re talking things like turning off motion blur and v-sync, increasing field of view (if possible), turning

As someone who’s been playing this game since ARR launch, I am absolutely loving following your journey! It’s so awesome hearing different people’s reactions to events and characters, especially when they’re going through it for the first time. I hope you continue to write these posts. They’re such a joy to read! :-)

I love Gackt (and many of the other J-Rock bands you mentioned), so when he was going to be in a Final Fantasy game, I absolutely had to play it, even though I STRICTLY played JRPG’s up until that point. I imported the Japanese version and beat it while understanding almost nothing that was going on. (My Japanese was

Out of my 11 tattoos, two of them are video game related. The first is a cactuar from the Final Fantasy series on my ankle. The second is the Circle of Knowing tattoo that the FFXIV Scions have. (They often have it on their neck. I put mine on my forearm because I have a rule of nothing above the shoulders.) I was

Oh, Morning Music is back! It looks like I have a couple others to catch up on. The last one I saw was the one about the Link’s Awakening. I thought maybe this was gone for good and it made me sad.

Oh man, I LOVE snowy areas. I live in a place that almost never goes below 70 degrees and when it does, we all bundle up in jackets, sweatshirts, etc. Normally, I travel SOMEWHERE every year so that I can experience that beautiful crunch crunch crunch of the snow, but not this year.

I totally agree.

I actually have a webpage that I maintain with a list of all the games on my backlog. Whenever I buy a new game, I add it to the list. When I’m actively working on a game, it’s bolded in red. Once I’ve completed it, I cross it out and put the date that I completed it. Then there are the rules I gave myself. There are

I considered that, but I’m one of those people that if I have a list of games to play, then I feel obligated to play them. I have a backlog list that I actively maintain on a regular basis and I would actually feel compelled to add EVERY GAME (that’s finish-able) to that list. This is why I don’t subscribe to any

I was initially quite excited to learn about Microsoft’s Smart Delivery thing because that means that I can put the Series X in the living room, move the One X to the bedroom, and keep the One in the Mom Cave. This is still something to look forward to, but I was honestly hoping that by having everything connected to

Now playing

I absolutely LOVED this game! And the soundtrack is still something I listen to pretty regularly. 

Now playing

That was great! Definitely not what I expected when I saw the title in my RSS reader. I typically don’t listen to a lot of music with lyrics because I get too easily distracted and I like using music to focus on work. But when it’s a language I don’t understand, it’s PERFECT because the vocals are just another

Hmm. Probably Phantasmagoria from 1995. Pretty sure that was the first horror game I ever played. I am now terrified of pretty much ALL horror games. Even some NON-horror games. I almost noped out of Bioshock. (Thankfully, I didn’t!) Also, any game that I have to swim underwater in the dark...

Now playing

I have been playing FFXIV since its ARR re-release and I still am not sick of the music. While I’ve definitely muted in-game music in other mmo’s before this one, I almost never mute it in FFXIV. (The Diadem is an exception since you can only listen to the same 16 measures or however many it is over and over for so

I wonder if part of it is that I don’t tend to play games that keep me listening to the same music all the time. I can imagine that playing games like Smash or Fall Guys would have you hearing the same stuff OVER and OVER and OVER. And unless those pieces of music are exemplary, anyone would get sick of them. Also, I