
The food options at any arrival terminal are very limited. Its usually the departing terminal that has all the food places anyway.

I grew up around parts the series was filmed in. Oh and not only that the DVD box art is the best that has ever been produced. Fact.

You loved Spaced too :)

The response to this article has restored my faith in humanity. Good job Muppet fans!

True fact. Sesame Street hasn't been on UK TV now for 13/14+ years. I've actively pushed for it to return. At one point I even wrote a letter to the government stating the reasons why it should be brought back! It must have worked (to a point) since they are bringing back (although a basterised version) of it.

If you are going to publish an article on the 12 worst muppets ever, at least counter balance that with the 12 best muppets ever or the 12 best muppet moments ever. Hell even have a "Muppets Day" dedicated to the topic... Just dont bad mouth Snuffy or Pepe!

When I saw Snuffy on the list I knew I had to post a comment to say something. Terrible terrible choice.

1,9,11 shouldn't be on the list. I never even knew I had a account here and was going to create one purely because of this article.

Give it another 2 weeks and Samsung will release yet another model with a finger print scanner.

Not surprised. China is a massive massive market. Expect similar results when non Chinese games consoles are finally legally sold there too.

A few years back there was a few brilliant tv documentaries about the deception effects during the war inc operation mincemeat and the story of a magician before the war who deployed lights and blow up vehicles/aircarft to trick the German bombers. Well worth a look if your interested. Its kinda cool to know that Ian

When you have time visit some stations too, the maze of tunnels which goes on for ages and the architecture of some of the station are amazing.

Despite the tube being packed during rush hour its amazing just wondering around all the different lines and stations. As someone who has lived in London for 28 years I still never get bored of it.

What aspect of computing most interests you? Quantum computing? Advancements in AI?

? how do you even back that up!

Danny is awesome, and to set the record straight a very very hard worker to get where he is today. I saw this post awhile ago that he wrote about this life and how he got to live in Japan etc. Put it bluntly, alot of very hard work. []+Discovering+Japan+Changed+My+Life.html

Danny is awesome, and to set the record straight a very very hard worker to get where he is today. I saw this post awhile ago that he wrote about this life and how he got to live in Japan etc. Put it bluntly, alot of very hard work. []+Discovering+Japan+Changed+My+Life.html