
Glass houses, internet commenter.

Thing is, in those nordic countries, they believe that prision shouldn’t be about punishment, that the state should aim to reform the misguided citizens instead of going eye-for-an-eye and all of that. Crazy, I know.

He is gonna stay in there for life, you shouldnt make fun of a system that actually works, there is like no crime here.

Sodomy was “absurd” very, very briefly.

The Roman Empire was built by people who enjoyed buggering.

Never underestimate the destructive power of a white dwarf star.

“look, kids – a dinosaur! did you know that their brains are the size of walnuts?”

“Therefore, they must be very selective when deciding whom to allow near to your soul, for the wrong companions can do the soul irreparable, eternal harm.”

Well, if someone put something in it, wouldn't that mean it was already destroyed, and wouldn't work?

Thanks for sharing some of Mike Huckabee’s talking points...

Uhh...this sounds a bit like how I’d imagine a slave owner to think...

It is My Father’s will that your entire life should be centered on Me.

I feel like I wouldn’t need the internet to figure this out. Call me clingy, but I tend to insist on being part of my spouse’s wp program.

It’s what Jesus would have done.

A humane way to kill someone who does not want to be killed...I mean...That just makes no sense to me.

Oklahoma is a shit state.

I find this business of the justice system experimenting with various murder techniques macabre and absurd; just put a moratorium on this shit.

Not funny. And wrong. Very wrong. Nice effort though.

Your satire depends in part on the dual, false assumptions that financial success is the only valid metric for an outsider to look at and that citizens acting like adults will have any impact on how these services are interacting with customers and employees. There’s something to be said for requesting public comment

I don’t necessarily have a problem with these services, in theory, but I do object to their bullshit appropriation of the term “sharing”. Particularly in the case of Uber, “sharing” is basically a cynical euphemism that they hide behind so the assholes in the corporate offices (and their investors) can rake in profits

“Ugh America. Lame!”