
Wow, it looks like they put in the Imperial Raider from the X-Wing Miniatures game!

Boo, says I, to your take!

BF1 had a fantastic campaign

Yeah, remember how awful Titanfall 2's campaign was? Oh wait...

There we go. Dismissive immediately, incapable of admitting positive precedents, and inability to accept opposing opinions.

Battlefront reboot announced with no campaign, “MULTIPLAYER ONLY?! WHAT THE FUCK EA!”

Except the campaign of the original Battlefront 2 (man is that weird to say) following the troopers of the 501st was pretty freaking fantastic, so never write such things off too quickly.

I mean. If it’s anything like BF1's then it could actually be good.

All eras?
So that means I get to play as a battle droid again? Because as much as the prequels sucked, I really did like the look of the crappy, mass-produced battle droids. (and the sweet-ass rolly-polly destroyer droids)

Reason #286 that I’ll never have children.

Seriously? What is a white person supposed to do that is better than what Tilda is doing in this, trying to understand the other side of the issue, and trying to figure out how to promote the discussion in a nuanced way?! Stop letting perfect be the enemy of good.

Maybe she shouldn’t have blasted her publicly, but I don’t blame her, mostly because like her in Trumps America I don’t really care about white peoples feelings anymore

Literally checked off the bingo list.’

Lol don’t worry, white people don’t care about your feelings either.

And us gays don’t like women because y’all sold us down the river. Lets just turn on each other like animals fuck intelligent thoughtful discourse on the left. Why fight the real enemy when we can cut each other down. There’s a lot more of you than there are of me, so I blame you.

Lol don’t worry, white people don’t care about your feelings either.

Damn and here I thought she was reaching out specifically to an Asian American to try and learn more about the situation and how to approach it. Silly me!

That’s constructive. I’m sure the world will be changed for the better with that mindset.

FAIL! I could follow your writing.

Borders was great in its heyday. Not only did most of its stores have wildly deep and broad selections, but it could special order literally any book that was in print and had an ISBN. I loved it so much. Then it got ruined by its own corporate masters.