
Saratoga County Court news wouldn’t necessarily appear in what passes for a local paper in Stillwater I guess. I don’t know.

I’m in shock. I rode the bus from 1982-1995, and never, ever heard anything about this guy. I think he may have been the substitute bus driver we had when the regular one had a heart attack and went off work for a month or so. I was in high school by then.

I’m from Stillwater (moved away in 1999), and never heard. I just emailed my various family members to ask them if they had ever heard. My mom says she and my dad sort of know/knew him and had no idea. They also didn’t know he ever drove a school bus.

Whoa. I grew up in Stillwater. It’s a really small town, and a wonderful place. I rode the bus to school from 1982-1995, and had the nicest bus driver. I’m so horrified reading this. Whoever is affected, chances are good it’s someone I know. The town is going to have a heck of a struggle to move forward.