
Unsurprisingly, in the desperate scramble to protect their egos, senators overlooked the more legitimate criticisms and concerns about Tanden’s nomination

rich sociopaths

Sorokin wasn’t rich, that was the entire point of her grift and why she actually faced consequences.

But. . . She’s not actually rich. You understand that was the entire lie behind her grift, right?? And I’d say 4 years in prison sounds like my idea of consequences. I’m not being flippant. 

First of all, he was already impeached, a 2nd time, while he was in office. If we are still arguing the constitutionality of that, then we do not understand what impeachment really means.

I will not forget that we could have had a literate and stable president had republicans not lost their shit turning into the nutzo conspiracy party.

If Picard can work, then so can Worf.

Oh, Jared. My body is ready. Let me add to the goodness to help us get through this shitty shitty time:

You can’t deliver on changes if Dem members of Congress have to answer to a more moderate constituency and they want to be re elected.   And Republicans had their marching orders. Block everything he wanted to do. 

Katie Porter, if she doesn’t become a senator 

II really like Nancy Pelosi but she’s 80 years old. She is fucking brilliant and she’s pretty much said she’s stepping down in 2022 so I do think AOC is absolutely right that the Democratic Party has to start looking for potential candidates and grooming them, and the sooner the better.

Fuck Chuck Schumer.

No clue but Schumer does need to step aside. He has been outclassed, outmaneuvered, humiliated and laughed out by Mitch the Turtle. Pelosi on the other hand did the same to Trump.

Jonathan Frid is awesome.

I just watched a character beg for mercy from the Powers of Hell and then burst into flames while Barnabas grinned in the one moment of unalloyed joy his character has had so far, so yeah, they could slap her around as much as needed without breaking a sweat.

Seconded. The strangely perfect morality of Dark Shadows would have known exactly what to do with this silly bitch.

She’s a chaos generator. If she was on Dark Shadows she would be my favorite character, not least because eventually she’d get hers.

Clinton pardoned people who helped foreign parties undermine the US? This is a genuine question, I’m not American

It needs the OG Marvel Kris

And the casting for obnoxious asshat was spot on.