
@ForTehNguyen: I don't know...My house is air conditioned and food and bread and fruit go bad in less than a week on kitchen counter.

@funkotronic: Wouldn't this be printer by a Brother?

@python2121: I like it. I got the same clock on my phone. But only the standard size icons...You know fat fingers and all...

@tokugawa: I design industrial equipment and machinery interface (nowhere near as cool as game design) but I think the standard as far as size of on screen objects that can be tapped has been set. Both android and iPhones have four objects across. I am sure everyone that starts out on this devices has a bit of

@cool8man: I really like to hold one in my hand and play with it. If what you say is correct and implemented right, it could be awesome. So far, in pictures alone, is not impressive.

I made a reg file to disable corporate enforced, password protected, screen lock. But this earns a lot more street creds. I wonder if it will work with my LCD clock on my desk.

@jjthandcd: I would insist on it not being made with lego. The cots would be so hard.

I don't understand the UI design decisions in this operating system. In small mobile devices, real estate is scarce and need to be fully utilized. What is the idea of leaving column of blank space on the right side? What is the point of using big mostly blank squares for icons? Is this for a 2 year old? On screens

@DNiedAcess: They are counter rotating to cancel the net effect on fuselage. This way you don't need a side facing tail rotor to over come the torque of main prop. The rear facing rotor at back is used to push the chopper faster forward.

download and set this as your desktop. Then arrange your shortcuts around it. Delete the ones that don't fit.

I thought the point of bigger sensor was lower pixel density rather than crop factor. Lower density=less noise.

You guys forgot the "Sponsored" tag for this post.

One day, when I was in a park, and I saw a baseball. It looked familiar but really odd. It kept getting bigger and bigger and bigger. Then it hit me....

@potka: Happy birthday buddy.

@Wheema: Next few years? Most of the tech is already here. They just need money for development and we will buy!

So it'll have Android? It will be cool!

Absolutely facsinating discussions. I love it when brilliant minds explain complicated concepts in a simple way that I understand.

I thought prudent meant wise, as in a prudent decision.

@Piedmont_Bob: Off topic here but they refuse a tiny nail file in a credit card size package, but flight attendants give you a complete set of metal cutlery for my meals. (Business class). I used my knife to pry the remote that was stuck in its cradle!

@soujisama: Because the stuff will get pixelated before it gets to them...DAAAHHH.