
Soon, it'll be like this:

@Onizuka-GTO: At least it'll be approved by Apple first.

I always found it weird that a used popular game is only a few dollars cheaper than a new one. I always go with a new one to make sure the original developers get their share and it all doesn't go to greedy retailers. That being said, I don't think it's fair for someone who paid thousands of dollars for a CAD or other

@Michael Fortson: It matters if the retailer did not have the right to "sell" it to begin with.

Heart warming. My wife is iPhone, I am Android. I don't even know how we get along...

@bombadil: You are right on the money. This article is not detailed enough. I'd like to think this wife is forgiving of her husband not for being a geek, but for his lack of ability to separate basic household items from his tinkerable toys. I solved that problem by buying a laptop, camera, phone and other such items

I've heard of this little known program called Skype. Look it up!

Ron Glass has come a long way since Barney Miller. I didn't know he was so educated.

I tried something similar by taking a long exposure picture while spinning in my chair. I deleted it.

My mouse ends up bearing the brunt of my anger...which is funny, because it has never failed to work!

@TechHaze: Hate to rain on your psuedo science, but since the gasses stay in atmosphere, the net result is zero. But I am sure a butterfly died somewhere.

//** Crash Gizmodo

I see these guys being considered for a trip to Mars. Except their living space will be smaller.

I've stacked a few bails in my time and this is NOT real. Funny though!

@redman042: Not to scale. It's more like a little dust in the air.

@Captian_Caveman: I am bilingual and I am aware of what language I think in. In my uneducated experience you think in a specific language. I wonder if the acceleration of civilization in human history is directly related to development of established languages. Before that, it must have been pretty hard to form

@Slartibartfast: Except the one in blue looks about 6 years old.

I remember how hard it was to copy the installation floppies for Win95. Only the first was 1.44 meg. The rest were higher capacity. Fortunately, I found a DOS program that copied floppies track by track so I could do my backup. Win 95 made it acceptable to wait several minutes for computer to boot up. We can never