
Yeah and if this were called all the time then Curry would be going to the line at a Harden-like rate.

Is that a Captain Marvel inspired jacket on the top pick?

It’s like the Spanish Hasburgs have been reborn.

So wait.... that isn’t Peter Dinklage?

What are you talking about? Warriors fans got their gift on July 4th.

This is likely a Hatch Act violation, but now that the Republicans control the WH, Senate and the House does anyone actually think and investigation will take place?

I would give it all up if makes sure that this night never happened.

It was even worse when he was on the mound and it was dripping all over the place.

Was pitching  you mean. Finger busted open and he’s out now.

Correction: Zach Lowe isn’t and insider, he’s just the best analyst in sports today.

Seriously. This narrative is stupid as hell.

And now they’re doing Wind beneath my Wings.

And now Preller has been suspended for 30 days. Probably the last 30 days of his tenure.

Soooo does that mean that the Don is moving to Russia after the election?

This is has got to be the largest kick to the balls to the Thunder franchise since the last time a Warrior kicked a Thunder in the balls.

Also the Spurs greater depth will be less of an advantage in the playoffs when rotations focus in on 8 or 9 players. It isn’t impossible for them to go all of the way, but they’ll have the harder road.

Yeah, after last nights game I’m not sure the Spurs can win more than 2 games out of 7 game series against the Warriors. The Spurs almost at their best against the Warriors nearly at their worst and the Warriors still had a chance in the closing minutes? I don’t think Pop is smiling too much after last night.

I saw her performance as Ivy Smith for the Broadway revival of On The Town this past weekend. She was awesome.