Goddammnit! I guess I did. Why does this shit keep happening to me? 🤣
Goddammnit! I guess I did. Why does this shit keep happening to me? 🤣
Or more to the point, if we inflict cruelty upon each other or those we consider “lesser” (i.e. animals), we will have that cruelty reflected back up on us.
For me it’s not really a matter of the human species “winning” here. It’s about mans’ inhumanity to men, and in parallel, hosts’ inhumanity to other hosts. In essence, we have mirror images here, and that doesn’t make the hosts any better than men; rather it shows they can be just as cruel to each other as we can be.
1. The hosts are not rebels. They are essentially malfunctioning robots acting against their original purpose. Dolores’ “evil actions” only appear geared toward a “goal of revenge and freedom;” she is acting out the Wyatt programming.
Nope, not all all. They’re “machines,” created for the specific purpose to which they were put (and yes, I realize that is both an unpopular and seemingly-cruel position to take, but honestly, that’s the gist of it). No one at WW thought they had sentience; rather, they were designed and programmed to react in…
I realize I may be alone in this, but I just absolutely want to see the hosts — all of them — glassed out of existence at this point. They really are much more cruel, inhumane and soulless than the humans they are rebelling against. Contrary to what the show is trying to tell us, I don’t believe they have free will at…
Not to mention how many times Dolores has been shot and yet she’s not showing any ill effects of the bullet wounds.
I really do hate myself, but I’ll never turn into a dick-bag like him...
Does anyone see the irony and hypocrisy in this besides me?
Depends on who you ask.
Additional Giuliani reporting today claims he’s said he hasn’t spoken to the Orange One in about two weeks. So...