Shuri could have turned to dust too.
Shuri could have turned to dust too.
That is some pretty amazing work, for sure.
I’m not surprised. 😋
That too...
I was listening to his speech this morning (there was nothing else on decent to watch; really, so I just defaulted to CNN) and it was literally nauseating.
It’s a highly memorable line because it’s actually quite funny.
They’re not totally identical; the Egglette-cooked egg has a flat bottom, but it’s better than having to peel the damn thing. 🙂
The Washington Post has updated their fact-checker this month. The lie-count-per-day is up from day 406 when it was an average of six-per-day, to day 466, where it’s now over eight-per-day.
It has happened before; they turned out to be forgeries, twice, but it has happened.
I have a feeling that before this is all over, someone is going to do exactly that for you — hell, for all of us.
In those exact words, in fact.
Sounds like it took a lot of work to build. Too bad you never recorded any video of it functioning; it would have been LOL-worthy for sure.
Video, or it doesn’t exist.