

But how many of those Presidents have been Republicans since Reagan: two more for a total of 12 years, plus Reagan’s eight. We’ve had 20 years of Republican appointees in the DoE, and their goal (the GOP) has been the dumbing-down of the electorate so they could get to the point we are at now, with a President and a

Yes. I am.

Hot take: Any player that would call anyone on the court a “bitch-ass motherfucker” is not one of the “best players in the world.”

Odd; that’s how he pictures himself in the White House too...

Thank Reagan for that. His administration removed formal civics education from the core curriculum.

There may be more truth to that than you know; rumor has it he’s trying to get Rob Porter back in the WH.

If he’s fires someone, it’s gonna be Jeff Sessions for having the audacity to take a TIME cover away from the Orange Kerfuffle.


So sorry for your loss. [HUGS]

OMG! This is everything!

They may not reverse-engineer vehicles to decrease MPG, but they could incorporate less-expensive materials into vehicles that weigh more, or don’t perform as well, which will inadvertently result in lower MPGs and higher profit margins.

I’m willing to give James Wan the benefit-of-the-doubt on anything to see a movie he makes.

Or this:

Given that he’s on the new TIME cover, I’m betting he’s not long for the job. Hair Furor hates it when someone upstages him, and he has a particular need for being on the cover of TIME as often as possible.