
He makes that claim often to sell his supplements. Seriously. He tells his listeners that he needs to sell X number of (insert product name) in order to keep the lights on in his production studio.

It was called “The Fairness Doctrine,” and Reagan did away with it during his tenure in the White House, leading to the creation and rise of Fox News.

Two words: Advanced planning.

Why wast a perfectly good rainbow on the Orange Kerfuffle when this works?

I much prefer this version:

And a t-shirt which I proudly wore as I was flying last Saturday (and which got a few odd stares, which made me particularly happy):

I think Satan has better taste than that:

One can only hope.

Yeah, there’s a meme for that one too:

I thought KKKonway was “hate Barbie?” I even have a meme that says so (but since I’m away from home for a few days, I can’t post it.)

Gitmo would work. Especially if we forget what cells we put them in.

If only we could deport them... (sigh)

My husband is a LEO and former member of the NRA. He has told me the NRA of today is not the organization he, and many of his fellow LEOs, joined. They used to be all about promoting safe ownership, sensible gun regulations, and safety concerns. But when Wayne LaPierre rose in prominence, the organization took on a

Let it never be forgotten he was the one who signed a law allowing 18-year-olds to buy rifles in the first place.

You forgot his homophobia.

Never forget:

Oh, and Dotard Donald, “In God We Trust” is not our country’s motto; it’s “E. Pluribus Unum.” “In God We Trust” was added in 1956 as a result of McCarthyism, you fucking moron!

I thought that was Ted Cruz...

I do not find her funny at all on The Daily Show.