
Someone at the AP actually found this; it’s the photo the White House says they cannot find/does not exist, and which they refused to hand over 12 times. I added the text block.

Nah, they’ve got the address pinned to the waistband of his underwear...

Here’s a better shot of points 3 & 4:

Yes, there are ways to track the guns that are legal because most of the guns purchased from a licensed dealer require registration (as did the pistol I bought 20 years ago). The illegal ones, and the ones bought at gun shows are a problem.

Can’t wait to hear about Hannity’s take on the Town Hall tonight; and it should be interesting to see the spin Fox and Friends uses to whip Hair Furor into a frenzy this morning.

I agree completely.

And apparently the old Republican party too.

I heard on CNN the staffer was immediately fired, so there is that.

Ding! Ding! Ding! You get the prize!

Okay, now that is really cool!

Maybe if Gov. Rick Scott hadn’t passed a law that allowed Cruz to buy an AR-15 at the tender age of 18, this never would’ve happened in the first place.

His base is utterly powerless to save him from the FBI.

I still love a good infographic:

It’s always been easier for lesbians to be “out” in the sports (and entertainment, for that matter) world than for gay men. Lesbian athletes are more easily accepted by society-at-large than gay male athletes (and entertainers). I think a big part of it is that whole stereotypical straight-male fantasy about watching

That works too!

That simply cannot be healthy...