
Oh, that's fine and not something I was aware of.

Thank you for understanding the real meaning behind my post - I don't care what Stephen Hawking thinks, and he's as entitled to his OPINION as anyone - but atheists should not take it as validation of their point of view, and believers shouldn't feel threatened by it.

Perhaps the headline should have read "World's premier physicist makes ignorant, unprovable statement; expects people to accept it as fact because he said it."

Oh, I am sorry. I looked through my stack of Korean Pop Star trading cards and sure enough, no Hyun Bin. That is the only reason I can think of for this faux pas. Won't happen again.

Is it just me, or is that the Korean Justin Bieber in the upper left corner with the champagne flute?

Well, be careful. If you "fix" this "problem", you may not have to clean the shower head. But your Aunt will, after a time, stop being bulletproof and will stop attracting refrigerator magnets.

I'm grateful.

urrrrr, that emphasis on NEEDING gives me pause and concern. Hope you're ok and that everything comes out ok. I mean, TURNS out ok.

Versed and Fentanyl for the wizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....

That may be. More likely: single point of failure; size limits (do the Momentus drives come bigger than 500GB?); SSD performance is still superior, although cost is a big issue; doubt that you can do RAID with a Momentus, but that may simply be a failure of my imagination....

Nothing personal, really.

Just sauntered over to window shop on I don't think $200 is a ridiculous upgrade price for the i7. Silly, perhaps, but not ridiculous. And regarding an earlier post: They do have the 256GB SSD + 1 TB Hard Drive combo on the menu. Supersize me, baby!!

...burning magnesium as a catalyst

Yes, because apparently someone held a gun to your head and said "Read this article or your brains will be scattered all over the screen and keyboard!!"

Pearls before swine, my friend, pearls before swine. "Too big to fail" certainly doesn't apply to the OP's IQ.

Much better. Have a cookie.

I would venture to say that it is a bit too late to leave the customers out of this.

Will this work well with the current version of multitasking on the iPad? Or will the app have to provide the environment to make that work? If so, a lot of time in the oven may not be enough.

You can, but only once.

It really is a bit pathetic, and certainly "low-hanging fruit" from a humor perspective, to mock someone for their tweets. Something like mocking someone with a hairlip who has been forced to recite in front of the class. Senator Grassley is doing the best he can, I suppose, and is certainly more capable than some