
Gee, didn't you read the article, dude? He started with the unaltered Tetralogy! Fortunately, they fixed it.

My point was that I don't really use the Priority Inbox because it does a bad job of parsing what's important to me, and I'm sufficiently anal to not be able to ignore ANYTHING in my inbox. Thus, everything in there is important to me.

Hmph. It is addressed to me, therefore it is important. That's how I am - I raise up the mundane to the important, and the important to the sanctified.

See, now you're beginning to understand - that IS the American Way, to make snarky comments about people wealthier, more talented, or more attractive than we.

Oh, that's great! Now if I try and navigate using MapQuest, my car will only turn left! Uneven tire wear and long detours, here I come!

Obvious solution: Have FaceTime conversations only with people who stutter. That way, you won't notice the network issues so much.

And of course, the carriers will pass the not inconsiderable savings on to the customers!

These guys are obviously users of the Chrome OS.

40 degrees below zero is a "gosh" number - one of those numbers that you look at and when someone points out a special feature of it, you say "gosh!" (From a Frederick Pohl novel.)

LOL - Nah, that wasn't my point really, of course - and while I never had the chance to meet the late Mr. Clarke, it didn't occur to me that his definition of magic would revolve around strictly "alien" technology. I mean, it could also be along the lines of bringing satellite phones to a lost tribe somewhere in the

@Kirkaiya: Heh. Ok, I will give you that about the silly posts. As I say, I don't them often here, but I sure as heck see enough of them elsewhere! You just have the "good fortune" to come across them - and on behalf of intelligent, rational religious people everywhere, um, we're sorry.

@Kirkaiya: Yes, I agree with you in much of what you say (of course you had to throw in that belief in "whatever magical beings they need to feel complete" shot, didn't you?).

Actually, aside from that doofusoidal sitting thing at the end of every move, this is pretty cool.

@Drummertist v.3: Better find it before you try this new sport! Can't be done without an ass!

@blyan is not on fire: And I have a problem with ANY group that fosters hatespeak, ignorance, etc.

@Dj Orphic: @blyan is not on fire: Guys, you know I've hearted you both. I have great respect and absolutely no animosity for you, and I don't really have a comment on the current story.

This looks suspicious to me. Hey, I calls 'em as I cesium.

@OMG! British Dinosaur!: Thank you for your civility in this discussion. I think this is one of those "agree to disagree" moments.