
This is the biggest pain-point for me when it comes to the Android platform.

For those who eschew stone-throwing....

Too bad it's not a woman named Esther.

@Ben Longo: They should have sent a poet.

@BobSmith100: I advocate an immediate shooting rampage in response.

Oh, Kat, I am saddened by the notion that you have drunk from the Cauldron of Steve-Aid when it comes to styluses (styli?).

@tallchair: App app app app app app app app app app oh, app app app app app and furthermore app app app app app bwhahahahahahahahahahahh

@Liam: Well spotted. USB ports are a significant vulnerability in many systems.

@Squalor: Oh,oh,oh,oh-oh-uh-oh,wahoh-oh-oh,oh-oh-uh-oh....

@Kaiser-Machead: All true - but in every other case (except Mr. Christensen), the prequels are some serial anomaly. All of the performers you mentioned have given great performances in other roles. So yeah,

@SkyHawkMkIV: You mean that hasn't ALWAYS been the word for them?

@ImSpartacus: In OSU's Thompson Library, no one can hear you scream.

@Kaiser-Machead: ...or for stuffing Hayden Christensen into the prequels.

@Drummertist v.3: I think I would like to see an "Aliens vs. Jar-Jar" sequel. And I'd like to see a face-hugger attack the Gungan king, and have an alien larva pop out of his chest.

@Squalor: Saturn has a nice ring to it, also.