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    And the little basket that we are floating to hell in floats a bit further.

    I need a Rx for Ambien for my wife!

    Eh. I sound more like you than I don’t.

    Yeah, they kinda suckered me. They listed it as free shipping but then had a fee for the delivery company. I b!tched six ways to Sunday about it but they wouldn’t budge. I cancelled my order and went to Amazon. But then Amazon was going to charge me taxes. Even with a delivery fee Abes ended up being cheaper. So I

    Yeah, they kinda suckered me. They listed it as free shipping but then had a fee for the delivery company. I b!tched

    The passengers in the 9/11 flights didn’t have a clue what was going on. They assumed the typical demands from the nutz were happening, not that they had turned into kamikazes. Had they known they would have stopped it. As they did on flight 93. Even if someone gets on a plane now and starts stabbing passengers it’s

    It is all about the age of the kid.

    That’s not ideal. To build credit the card needs to be used.

    I disagree if you have room. Each of my kids has a “toy box” that is a junk toy box more than anything else. The trick is to make sure it gets cleaned out once or twice a year. Everything that falls to the bottom and forgotten about ends up in one of two piles - “nah, I don’t really want that any more” which goes to

    You missed one: “How do I keep going for the last few years until I can retire?”

    What you really don’t want to do is buy the Bleed Kit from that control bleeding kits .com link above. HOLY CRAP! $100 for a TQ, a quickclot bandage and a compression bandage. Like $30 - $40 for those items off Amazon IF you buy a really good TQ. Sucker born every minute I guess...

    Depends on what part of your future you have talked about and how you talked about it. My wife and I agreed on wanting kids & how we wanted to raise them and where and the kind of house we wanted etc. But we never talked really long term like retirement. 15 years later and my retirement is now under ten years away. I

    Well I got your comment and chuckled. Start for you. hehehe.

    Absolutely true. Been with a corp for almost 30 years. They do their best to micro manage time like breaks & sign in to the system etc. I’d almost totally agree with you at how bad some companies are except... I’ve seen how many “adults” that are hired that act like children and frankly deserve to be treated that way.

    Definitely serious. I’m coming up on a point when I need to start thinking about moving my retirement Index fund money into more stable investments. I want to do that at the best time possible and other than Stocks are up & Bonds are down I’m not positive of what I should be looking for in that regard. I’m not exactly

    What if anything does this mean for investors? Does it impact the bond market?

    Both my kids still (age 6 & 10) demand a night light. But we have gotten it down to just a small light anyway. (Now if we could juts do something about freakin daylight savings time and that as of two weeks ago it is still daylight at 8pm around here....)

    You know way too much. I hope you have the best place to hide because they’ll be coming for you now. Sorry to lose you from the fight friend. You were one of the good ones and WILL be remembered.

    It’s situational. What you cite can happen. The below cases can happen also.

    The opting out and the fact that nothing will be funded and the requirements placed on teachers AND the limitations of having to do something other than just classroom teaching shows how much of a joke this law was. Only the most rural of counties will opt in for this and Florida doesn’t have that many rural mindsets.

    They are not. That is a stupid clause of the law just like so many clauses in so many laws. Politics is a nest of snakes...