Hot take time: The White Sox are the true team that embodies Chicago. The Cubs are the team that embodies 20-something transplants who graduated for Big Ten schools.
Hot take time: The White Sox are the true team that embodies Chicago. The Cubs are the team that embodies 20-something transplants who graduated for Big Ten schools.
LaDell Betts
Laverneus Coles
Frank Wychek
Kevin Dyson
JP Losman
Boomers say millenials need trophies to feel adequate, when it was the boomers that created job titles to accomplish the same thing.
My woke son Jarapahat, 3, is allergic to tacos. “Tacos are made by Monsanto,” he told me, “and you are complicit in the hyper-corporatization of the food industry.”
Central Waters > everything