They weren’t offended though. That’s a failure in your reading comprehension. They just read between the lines and knew the game is glorifying police violence, based on that Steam summary. That’s savvy consumer research as opposed to taking offense.
They weren’t offended though. That’s a failure in your reading comprehension. They just read between the lines and knew the game is glorifying police violence, based on that Steam summary. That’s savvy consumer research as opposed to taking offense.
I stand by the idea that casting off looks instead of acting talent is one of the key ingredients to bad adaptations. If one can get good acting AND similar looks, that’s a bonus but if they cast a character’s exact real-life double, but they act stiff as a board, it ain’t even worth it.
Yeah, i know online gaming communities can make it look like everyone hates certain developments, like lootboxes, with a passion, but year after year the majority of income for big publishers is in game purchases.
I mean, history states it’s not a foolish route to take.
“Telling people that a new game can be pirated isn’t journalism, so please let’s not pretend that Nintendo getting pissed off abut it is some sort of attack on press freedom.”
Uh, I feel like there is a bit of revisionism here... Bob Ross was a pretty serious businessman in his lifetime and spent considerable effort creating and promoting a brand.
The use of ‘our idiosyncrasies” to me supports diving deeper into the individual experiences of black people instead of the use of generic stereotypes to fill the diversity quota.
I’m going to be honest, it’s really weird to see the dichotomy of “Black people are not a monolith” protest but then see articles basically say the exact opposite of that. What dose “black-passing” even mean? How do you reconcile the idea of an, apparently, universal Black Culture with the idea that black people are…
Most people here think a NFT is a dumb picture someone spends way too much money on. It’s smart NFTs, items that change dynamically, that will be in gaming’s future. Anyone here doubting needs to do some research on smart NFTs and you’ll see they will definitely be a huge part of gaming over the nextg 5-10 years.
Keep hating what you don’t understand... NFT gaming will revolutionize the industry. The same way crypto has revolutionized finance. I feel sorry for all the haters leaving themselves out of this growth cycle.
Ethereum already has the migration to proof of stake underway, which will reduce energy consumption by 99%... This energy consumption narrative is already outdated. And what was missing was to put a big disclaimer at the top of the publication, warning that this is not an article or article, just a partial text,…
I was going to say the same. I would be remembering the million per episode at the end and the 20 million a year from reruns she’s getting today. I think she can afford an entire team of therapists to help her get over that trauma.
I don’t see how this is Tesla’s responsibility. It’s on the driver to not be an fatalist asshole and drive their car without distractions.
The same site and pic that has plastered this site for weeks. What a nasty shithole this place is.
The premise that freshly traumatized 18 year old Ms Sebold manipulated by the racist police and racist justice system is valid. But for decades, she knew she was not sure. Yet, she let that discomfort go unexamined. She ignored the disturbance in her survivor narrative through her book deal and was prepared to see…
MIke Tyson was a horrible person who did his time and seems to have repented and changed. At least there's no evidence that he hasn't changed.
Oh for fuck’s sake. Very few people would tell their brother to own his behaviour or seek counselling, or they might tell them to get counselling while ALSO doing everything in their power to help their brother not lose their job or go to jail. Especially when said brother’s fall from grace would also inevitably…
okay, you aren’t wrong, but in this case i’m comfortable making a faulty argument because the “problem” they’re tackling - scalper bots - is cartoonishly far from the top of the stack of priorities.
what a fucking tremendous waste of government time and resources, this is such a goddamn joke. housing insecurity. student debt crisis. racism. healthcare for all. hey, democrats, we didn’t elect you to shut down scalpers, we elected you to save our fucking lives.