
In a more sane world, everyone would just use the NCAA’s testosterone policy, and then be open to monitoring outcomes over the course of years or even decades as we continue to accrue more observations of trans athletes. This is a topic where I don’t really care about people’s opinions right now. I think the

I always thought he was kind of a Black version of John Oates. I mean you definitely know he was rocking out to ‘Rich Girl’ in his I-ROC back then.

WRONG. She’s from Eternal Champions, obviously. 

My favorite was in the Gamecube version of Soul Calibur 2 you could play as Sephiroth vs. Ghost Rider

they’ve donated to countless charities over the past decade across the board. after GME they donated wells to africa and now over 947 water projects are being completed there because of it. Children are being flown around the globe so that they can have their heart surgery and cancer treatments covered by WSB

You mustve missed how a lot of them actually were donating their earnings to charity, like the one who bought a bunch of nintendo switches and games and donated them to a childrens hospital.

He didn’t even do that though. He legit thought GME was undervalued and invested in 2019. It was others who realized that it was massively overshorted much later on.

From what I’ve seen, Jez does not slam her; it’s the commenters. It’s mostly a bunch of 30-60 year old white women who have never done sex work. That’s the vibe I get, anyway.

Playing games on a weekly basis should certainly be no problem, but like everything moderation has to be considered at some point. If kids are playing Fortnite or whatever every day, all day without much concern for anything else, there comes a point where parents have to enforce some boundaries. I say this as an

Bash, come on. You’re better than this clickbait headline.

“This year, we’re highlighting four people who combined playing games with activism”

A remarkably small portion of the people who hated it hated it because of stupid bigoted reasons. The overwhelming majority of people who hated it hated it because it’s a nihilistic crapsack (go check tvtropes if you don’t get that crapsack’s a genre-thing and not me insulting to game) experience made by someone

There’s no small amount of games criticism out there (some on this very site) that took TLOU:2 to task for a narrative that loses sight it’s own characters and betrays their story arcs in ways that don’t service the overall narrative. It wasn’t just people whining about inclusivity, though there was some of that too

Um, as a trans person who is very much not a Trump supporter, I actively hate the game and how it portrayed it’s trans representation. People can dislike something for various reasons, just like people like you can stan those games. We don’t have to resort to name calling.

Should’ve been Ghost of Tsushima or Hades. Ah well. Not like The Game Awards are anything but a 2-3 hour long commercial.

This blows. Worth noting that Slippi isn’t technically a mod of SSBM; it’s a fork of Dolphin, and is as legal as any other emulator.

I mean, or they just spoke it that they won that part of the fight. If this is the only outcome of the whole thing I’m still glad Epic did the suit.

SSRI’s absolutely can numb you, I have been on them for the last 4 years trying several of them before I landed on the one that was most effective for me. Chill out, Drew Barrymore does not affect your personal life. 

I just got my samurai to 110 ki, level 33 or something, I am LOVING this update! For free, I’m blown away, it’s a ton of fun, the two player story, and some four player survival. Only issue I’m seeing repeated often, the survival waves are too long for some people. 15 for bronze, 20 for silver, 25 for gold, and that

I’ve seen a tip on Reddit to hoard the resource needed for rerolls to get your 105KI gear up to 110.