
In my first playthrough, I was just afraid that letting someone as bananas as Branka live would come back to bite me in the ass later. I know it sort of ends there if you choose her, but still, what she did to Hespith and the other dwarven women was ... pretty terrible.

um... how is that a bad thing? in many rpg games you have a party of people that you can all use. Even when you don’t want to use them there are great tactics options so you don’t have to babysit other characters

I’d rather do the Deep Roads ten times than do the Fade once. It was neat the first time, but so damn painful if you ever want to replay the game. 

It’s definitely not my preferred choice either. I think a really pragmatic character could see having golems as big boon to their army but I think the cost is far too high.

Even when I played as a somewhat “bad” character, I couldn’t bring myself to side with Branka. There’s a line where you go from being pragmatically ruthless to being a complete psycho that Branka crossed very dramatically.

Puns are the highest form of humor and anyone who cannot appreciate them is simply linguistically challenged!

I love it when he does it in the middle of a dungeon. Just slayed some massive monster on the way to reclaim a royal weapon. “I’ve come up with a new recipe!”. Um, damn Ignis. I mean thats cool but now doesn’t seem like the time to be thinking about food.

I think my main goal in the game is to get Ignis to say “I’ve come up with a new recipeh!” as often as I can. Each of the characters have their own unique, likable quirks :D

Gotta love how much the game get you to love the main four in this game. Really you see this game and you instantly think your not gonna like the characters at all, seeing a stuck up prince, a annoying kid, a overly pompous and proper butler type, and the gruff strongman that thinks he’s all that...then the game let

Prompto: “Wait, that came out wrong!”
Noctis: “There is no wrong way to love a chocobo!”

I want to ride my chocobo all daaaay!