
The problems mentioned here become relevant only if you want to operate indipendent batallions of these drones. But in a real conflict, they will most likely be a part of a larger batallion of manned tanks and APCs, that would be controling them. And in future, you wont need a dedicated command and control vehicle for

A-10 is a superb aircraft. But i don’t think it is absolutely necessary. The fact remains that US and USSR were the only two countries that ever cared to develop aircraft in this catagory. That’s because most of their roles can be performed either by attack helicopters or multirole fighters or bombers. As far as CAS

Haven’t syrian rebels already been using MANPADS? I have seen several videos of them firing them at assad’s helicopters and bringing them down in some cases.

Funny how they still have the middle eastern desert camoflauge. Speaks volumes about how bogged down US got in that region.

The jaguar is one of my favourite aircraft. And judging by your profile photo its yours too. Sadly the uk government had little appreciation of this and other beauties and retired them without thinking twice. India though is heavily upgrading its 100+ jaguars and is expected to keep them in service for atleast another

The drug of choice in this war is actually captagon. Google “the drug fuelling syrian conflict".

If those ice sheets melt everyone will be busy trying to stop florida from drowning.

If climate change is not stopped contesting for shipping lanes would be the least of our problems.

As far as high low mix goes, f-35 was actually meant to be the “low” counterpart to f-22. It was expected to cost about a third of what f-22 costs, and was meant to replace f-16, the current low end fighter, among others.

The real threat to the f22 will come not from enemy fighters but from IADS. And while russia and china may not have comparable fighters for some time to come, they will have formidible IADS soon enough. So if the war is on their turf, they will not be as oprationally challanged.

I wonder ihow useful the “nap of the earth” approach is against these advanced IADS.

The Turks were pissed off at Russians because they had been bombing Turkmen villages near Turkish border. Turkmen are a Turkish ethnic group and have strong links to Turkey. That was the real reason why they fired at them at the first opportunity. It also explains why the Turkmen rebels were the ones who shot one of