Two stones in a ring is a wonderful new tradition. The first means eternal love, and the second means he’s sorry but he didn’t realize the first would be so small.
Two stones in a ring is a wonderful new tradition. The first means eternal love, and the second means he’s sorry but he didn’t realize the first would be so small.
And surprisingly cheap looking, considering the size of those diamonds.
People sometimes come to where I work and demand, “Do you know who I AM?” Someone else once got away with answering, “ you? Sir? Are you okay? Are you experiencing memory loss? We need to get you to the hospital!”
I edit reality tv, and this is like nails on a chalkboard when he does this. It’s common practice to drop in subtle lines that buttress the conceit of a show and not let on that all the participants have been briefed on the story points to be hit, the arguments to be had, etc. But Hollywood Medium is so ham-fisted…
I used to like Scarlett but she makes it so difficult. Just listen to criticism and respond thoughtfully. People may even think you’re a better person for it. Imagine that!
A friend’s 12 year old dog already ran away last night because of fireworks. They haven’t found him yet. :(
I admit, I’m a person who doesn’t drink much - I quit drinking when I was 19, not because it was hugely problematic, but I was having some mental health issues and realised quickly that it could easily and very quickly become a problem - that it was heading that way. I didn’t drink for 5 years, and it never made a…
Agree - ice in my water is one of the little things that gets me through these horror-filled days of Drumpfdom.
I love kombucha! Some people who quit drinking won’t touch the stuff, but it’s nice if it’s on tap at the bar when my friends want to go out. I put it in a fancy glass and feel fancy drinking it.
I use the stopdrinking reddit board as my community. I check in every day to support folks and post when I need support or want to check-in. I think it’s important to have a sober group rooting for you. If you don’t want to try AA, there’s also SMART Recovery and Refuge Recovery. Lots of resources out there, for sure.…
I don’t have an issue with dtinking that way, but I do sleep better and it lowers my anxiety when I don’t drink (and when I severely limit caffeine FWIW.)
Ehh, I mean, unless you have an issue with drinking, I don’t think it’s necessary. I just don’t have an “off switch” once I start, and my hangovers were wicked terrible. I feel much better these days. I know lots of people who can just have a few, or who can take it or leave it, and that just wasn’t me.
Too busy for dating stuff this week. But next week I’ll try *epic voice* SPEED DATING.
Honestly, it could have been so much worse. Her reply seemed fine, people in this day and age understand wrong recipient messages, and I don’t think it was that bad to begin with. I once sent a text message about how annoyed I was that my brother was late yet again to... my brother! and it was meant for my husband.…
Hey from the beautiful Pocono mountains, kitty cats! I had my facelift on Wednesday, and The Bartender and I have been holed up in a hotel, and we have been drinking wine, watching movies, and ordering room service. I’m skipping the prescribed painkillers, bc I don’t need them. I’m super bruised up and swollen, but…
Relax...the reply was cool beyond words. She can’t do squat until HR opens.
Stress is going to eat a hole in my stomach, and I had what was quite possibly the most embarrassing moment of my entire life yesterday.
Joe Biden, do fuck off. Until you own your terrible behavior during the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings AND adequately apologize to Anita Hill’s face like you said you would, you can stay right the fuck out of #MeToo. You are no ally.
“Let us pause here for a moment and give thanks once again to those brave voices of The Left who would not be cowed by the extortionate pleadings of Hillary Rodham Clinton to remember the importance of the Supreme Court while casting their precious vanity ballots in November of 2016. Well done, dilettantes.” - Charlie…