
The fastest Ford dropped about 5 seconds from its times during the test day compared to the times set in the first qualifying session. You don’t find 5 seconds in a set up change lol all of the Fords dropped about 5-6 seconds from the test day session compared to the first qualifying session.

BOP adjustments were announced this morning to equalize the GTE field, should be a much tighter pack come tomorrow at 9am eastern!

I think they will if Ford really has a 1-2-3-4 at the first hour, or if Ford pays enough money.

Getting pole is a strategic advantage but it isn’t of much use in a 24 hour race. The only things to gain from it are points and track position, both of which are of no real use at Le Mans. No points go to Corvette Racing because they are not in the WEC, and starting track position means very little in 24 hours.

Because they didn’t want any extra BOP adjustments prior to qualifying? I’m sure the Fords also held out because they want the headlines for the Sunday US news papers to read ‘Fords 1-2-3-4 at Le Man’

Lol right. Or they just understand that their starting position in class doesn't automatically equal their finishing position

Yeah but from what I can remember the Fords were nearly untouched. Curious if another round of adjustments is going to happen

Sounds familiar. I remember the announcers talking about how the Fords were changing to their top gear way down the Kemmel Straight but they didn't have any of the fastest sector times. Either way they're running way faster now than they have before. Wonder if we will see another BOP before the race.

I think a similar type of qualifying style was done last year by the Corvettes as well. Yes, they were down a car. But you don’t win 8 times since 1999 by gunning all out for pole every time at Le Mans

A whole lotta psssshhh lol

I don’t think the Corvettes are hiding their true pace, I think they figure since it’s a 24 hour race, why bother with trying to get pole position in class? Yes it helps, but you’ve got 24 hours on a huge course to figure it all out.

Would it be driven by the sort of person to forget his wallet and ask his girl to pay for the check while he goes and warms up the Jaaaaaaaaaag?

Still felt way too forced by everyone while in the studio bits (less so with Rory and Harris) and Evans needs to find his own style while doing his road/performance tests. Comes across as trying to be clarkson a bit too much on the performance tests.

I’ve done quite a bit of wrenching, but I have never had to do a timing belt change so I wouldn really know where to begin on that one, my question wasn’t meant to be dissing or rude in any way.

Have you ever attempted a timing belt change?

Well yeah but that doesn’t help the current car, that was just a ‘look at what we can do!’ sort of deal.

Quick google search results:

To those who are saying ‘with a tune this car will be as fast, or faster, than a SHO!’ You gotta understand that the performance market for this sedan will be excruciatingly small. Check out the aftermarket for a Subaru Legacy GT from 2010+ (or whenever they made the refresh). It’s tiny.

1,200 pound weight difference? I know the SHO weighs more, but I didn’t think the SHO weighted THAT much more. Not sure what this Fusion will weigh but I think it’ll be close to 3,800+. That would put the SHO at 5,000 pounds which is SUV/truck territory so I think your number might be a bit off.

What are you talking about, it’s totally different from the last model! (/sarcasm)