
you have been awarded 100 internets!

Needs go faster stripes so she can get on with losing already.

If they want to give me a Volt for free I would happily take it off of their hands!

i once drilled a hole into the firewall of my old Honda accord for a power wire for amplifiers. About three months later the car had a really weird idle that would fluctuate and the brakes were acting funky. Apparently the original hole I drilled had hit the brake booster and there was a slowly building vacuum leak.

I agree with the Camaro interior (I drive one!) but really it isn’t that bad to see out of. In fact it actually makes you look around when changing lanes and backing up to really be sure nothing is there.

Doug does this Safety System+ also provide protection from people who can divide by zero? A trait necessary in a good safety system...

What time will the Silverstone race be shown? Totally watching all of it no matter what.

How no one has said something about all of the shifting is weird. Seriously how many gears do the cars have?!

Anyone elses face feel funny looking at that? yeesh.

Anyone saying they will go with a hybrid drivetrain is probably completely wrong. I don't see Pagani ever going hybrid in the near future considering they are such a small manufacturer that it won't be necessary. Maybe they will eventually get to it, but seeing how people are still wanting the Zonda, it kinda shows

Every car can pretty much be taken apart with the 10mm socket. Its shocking. I completely agree with that statement because I've so been there. Great article!

sorry I wouldn't even drive my current car into a trailer park, let alone a $200,000+ super car.

if Bernie did that you'd catch me waking up for every F1 race on the calendar. Seeing an old man in each corner with full oppo would be spectacular.

making various furniture out of the seats of a car.

what is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?

I just do it when its really cold out (like today in MD, 4 degrees) while my coffee finishes which is usually enough time to get the heated seats to warm a bit. Also helps a bit because of a short commute even taking the long way. If its right around 32 degrees or above I'll just hop in and go.


lol my Camaro does better snownuts. Though I was smart enough to buy winter tires.

False! I'm right there with you. Waiting to test my Blizzaks I bought for my Camaro here in MD. I can't wait to see everyone's faces as I cruise on by with a huge shit eating grin.

i would say do this in Washington DC but some people would think its something other than a small car.