
Is that Kamala’s stepdaughter? I like her.

Anyway, the source says Kim, whom Us Weekly says is on a “girls’ trip” to Turks and Caicos right now (don’t tell the global pandemic!!!!)

Yeah, I’m sure it’s the child actor thing. Drew probably completed her schooling via tutors and a GED to accommodate her acting schedule, and probably just assumed that all other child actors were the same way.

You’re not missing much. 

I have never watched an entire episode of Friends.

Around the time I turned 10 my parents said that it would be my job to get dinner on the table twice a week (they both often got from home late so the idea was that I would start before they got home and have it on the table when they arrived). When I got to college I realized that I was the only one out of my friends

Yeah, though understand you’ll probably have to scaffold them for a while. You wouldn’t believe how many parents have assumed that their middle school age kids are doing all their homework on time and not checking anything about that until the kid comes home with Fs. Like, they should be able to try to get homework

Correction, the average efficacy is 66%. It is proving about 72% effective in areas where the South African variant is most prevalent and about 57% effective in areas where the South American variants are most prevalent - which is why some experts are saying this vaccine will be about as effective as a flu vaccine.

Hi hello that is literally what all investing is.

Depending on the actor (and when they started), of course, but a lot of them don’t have diplomas, they have GEDs because they did tutoring on set during their youth instead of traditional school.

My wife and I just had to go through this decision and she decided to get it. Even though every attempt at “a discussion with a healthcare provider might help them make an informed decision” was pointless, as they didn’t know anything additional and just reiterating the choice was hers. No one would actually say they

Everyone hates the slideshows. It is pretty universally reviled.

Am I the only one who dislikes this Slideshow type of articles? It reminds me of the clickbait articles on Fb that then have a few sentences mixed into 30 advertisements and make you click through 20 pages to read. My lifehack suggestion is Lifehacker not use this type of article.

Dont assume non binary or trans folk that don’t identify as a woman wouldn’t still want to get pregnant and have a child. 

Oof, that’s really sketchy to be shooting nude scenes with underage actors at all.

I saw it in a blurb on AP the other day. CNN has it now.

It needs to be noted that Biden has run into a snag with his immigration reforms. A federal judge in Texas has ruled that he can’t just halt Trump’s detain/deport pipeline.

What percentage of them actually believe it vs. pretend to because it furthers their agenda vs. “doing it for the lulz”? I think even the adherents would be surprised at that breakdown. The busiest right wing Facebook poster I know, when confronted, will tell you he just likes pissing people off.

This. So much this. Then let the States hash it out, so to speak. It is coming.

I can buy that they will.