
Bob Ross is a National Treasure.

When I watched my car’s odometer hit 111,111 miles, I was more excited than I care to admit (though it was several years after Nigel Tufnel Day).

"Lastly to debunk a couple complete rumors, we did not adopt a child to gain wealth."

I see no apology. I see rationalization and weaselly language. And opportunism. So much opportunism. Hopefully this will sink her loathsome “brand.”

Paul Newman, please!

Here are her YouTube stats for the last three months:

You know someone’s been caught doing something evil when the passive voice comes out.

To what does the ‘decision to disrupt’ even refer? I cannot quite get my head around this pseudo-startup lingo.....

She’s abandoned her boy! She’s abandoned her boy! She’s abandoned her boy!

“Her channel grew exponentially when she began posting monetized videos about her “adoption journey.”

“I wish the decision to disrupt never had to be made...

Read the full apology below:

I know that she’s in her early 30s and completely fine dating a guy pushing 50, but in every photo he just looks like her dad.

To the troll I just dismissed who made it about his girlfriend and her agency as a 32-year-old woman: no one is suggesting she is a child who doesn’t know any better. We are simply commenting on the phenomenon of men hooking up with significantly younger women, often right after longterm relationships with women their

Yup. This hits a nerve with me, as it reminds me of online dating in my mid-thirties before I met the now-father of my child (who happens to be four years my junior, as most of the men my own age at the time already seemed to be freaking out and pursuing 25-year-olds).

Never! That’s since when.

Is the blazer\t-shirt look really bad? Keanu looks like he pulls it off pretty well. I feel like if a guy is in decent shape, it works.

Lol.  I'll stand corrected.  I was mainly a Tampax girl before I started using menstrual cups.

Or do, because co-sleeping safely is generally beneficial to baby and mommy, especially if breastfeeding. My wife particularly liked being able to just “roll over and whip out a boob” when our daughter got hungry in the middle of the night.

That one’s easy, just make the glove out of hamburger.