
My college famously provides all of its students with a full tuition scholarship because they admit students who are poor. The spring of my senior semester, I was invited to present a paper with a handful of students in my department in Savannah, Georgia. We all got a per diem from the department and were let to roam

When I was a kid in west London my family never had money and we VERY rarely went out for meals. Maybe once a year we’d eat out, and when we did we’d often (relatively speaking!) go to this Chinese restaurant in the neighborhood and order Peking duck. This was 40 years ago and I’ve subsequently lived half my life in

It is not the responsibility of Black students and alumni/ae to be “brave” right now. I’m so furious that they experienced this pain and alienation, I can’t even form a coherent sentence. It is the responsibility of admin and trustees to listen, digest, and speak boldly -first-, before Black women have to come do more

Did you ever go to Howard Johnson’s restaurants? They were always freezing, they only served ice water, and a big draw was their ice cream. We didn’t have air conditioning growing up so when my parents got to the breaking point on particularly miserable hot, sticky evenings we’d go there. I can still taste the clam

Your apple pancake was an Apfelpfannkuchen! They’re pretty simple to make. Here’s a recipe I found after a quick search that pretty much matches my own:

A surprising number of Romans will tell you that the food isn’t that great in Rome. I didn’t find that to be the case, but I’ve never been to Bologna (their food capital, like what Lyon is to France) or Naples, another gastronomic hot spot. I’ve been to Milan and all over northern Italy and I don’t think I’ve ever

These accounts are popping up for private high schools all over the country. Here’s a sampling:

As a kid, going to Shakee’s pizza and having pizza with the Keystone Cops, Three Stooges, or Buster Keaton playing on the screen on the wall and then the “Battlezone” arcade game on wall at the end of the table.


Buca de Beppo in Seattle, God, about a decade ago at least. It was my friend’s birthday and we all went as a big group. This is a big, noisy, giant-groups type place where you order huge platters of food and gorge until you hate yourself. It’s very popular for birthdays and such.

My grandfather used to take me to the only restaurant in the little town he lived. The restaurant was called The Country Squire. I have so many memories. It was the first place I tried liver and onions, the first place I had a patty melt, the first place I finished T Bone steak by myself. It was everything you’d

Getting lost in upstate NY with my then GF after getting off the NY State Thruway somewhere near Syracuse to bypass traffic, and stumbling across this tiny little restaurant with some of the best Italian food I have ever eaten.

My mother was what I have heard Brits refer to as a “good plain cook,” so I grew up eating good, but not fancy, food. As my parents were prototypical “Depression Babies,” we did not eat out all that often and any restaurant meal was an event. While I have been fortunate enough to have many good restaurant meals, the

Remembering how my mother would NOT eat meat or eggs at a restaurant unless they were six feet deep dead - no pink, no moisture. She died last year and my daughter and I ate out together at a waterfront seafood restaurant before the pandemic and both of us asked for our fried fish to be “crispy crispy crispy!” Just

One good memory was taking my mother out for her 65th birthday. We went to Wolfgang Pucks, a place she always wanted to eat at. This was before the “gluten free craze”, so finding places she could eat at was hard.

I don’t know what it was called back in 1980/81, but the revolving restaurant at Niagara Falls was just the damned neatest thing I had ever seen.  ‘course, I was little, so pretty much everything I’d seen up to that point was amazing. 

What are you talking about? They still wave the Confederate flag during the last lap.

Yeah, this smells a lot like “well people who were racist back then were just a product of their times.” Like please, those people knew that shit was wrong.

Same here. The authors couldn’t come up with a good-enough hook on their own, and decided to adopt terminology without reckoning with the history of the word.


That’s fucked up and not at all what we want to stand for. We apologize. We recognize we need to do better.

Oh, for sure. I can just imagine based on the food waste I have at my little house and ramp it up several magnitudes. They surely have some.