THE BLUE ONE. Priceless!
THE BLUE ONE. Priceless!
I don’t know how to do facials but I was subscribed to Ipsy for two years even though I barely wear makeup (signed up for it drunk and reminded myself to cancel it every single month but never did) and anyway I got a lot of cleansers and lotions and we found the box of them when we moved and now when my husband…
We went out for sushi. I miss sushi so fucking much. It doesn’t taste the same when you have to bring it home to eat it.
There’s no way he was serious about this relationship continuing once his prison term had ended. He didn’t want her publicizing their relationship because he never intended it to continue and is probably embarrassed by it. He would have used her to get out of jail if possible, but that didn’t pan out, so he really didn…
When my mom was visiting she made us try “Lucifer.” I’ve never sat through three less appealing episodes of a show in my life.
Women reinforce the patriarchy all the time. It’s not a criticism of all moms to say that Boy Moms are problematic.
I don’t like Boy Mom because it is usually accompanied by parents gendering their kids—insisting that boys are louder, messier, and and grosser when there are studies that have proven that children are not wired very differently, they are conditioned to behave differently. Boy Moms also lean into the “Boys will be…
Yes, this is wise, I definitely think that Boy Moms are worse! I definitely love to see a dad braiding his daughter’s hair or being calm and informative about periods, but the outsize praise that men get for being good parents to their own children unsettles me. At the end of the day, though, I guess something like…
Yes, he helped with undergrad! But my grad degree was fully funded and he pretty much exclusively wears the grad school t shirts now. For him, it’s really just a way to show his pride and talk about his kid. I’m the only one who went to college and it annoys my siblings to no end even though he brags about them, too.…
As someone who doesn’t support Boy Mom, I cannot support Girl Dad. But also I acknowledge that dads show their pride in their children in very strange ways so this sweatshirt checks out. My dad has t shirts from my undergrad and grad school that he has worn out. He has more school gear than I do. But (and I’m biased…
When will they tell you whether you got the real vaccine or not? Surely the people who got the placebo need to know so that they can eventually be vaccinated!
At the high school I teach in, everyone with a PhD goes by Dr except the (only) two men with doctorates. It’s pretty standard to go by Dr in prep school land if you have a PhD, so I feel like it’s a bit of an “I’m too cool to use my title” move. Obviously, everyone should go by whatever title they’re comfortable with…
No, but solidarity to Alicia!
It sounds likely that those who get the vaccine will still need to social distance for a while until we figure that out. But yeah, that fact (while a bummer) doesn’t undo the huge relief that a lot of us will feel knowing that it’s unlikely the vaccinated will develop serious illness.
Just observing here, but I think there is an age when kids are verbal but, emotionally, not highly trainable. My niece and nephew both went through a Christmas season when they could not hide their disappointment in certain gifts. Their parents were horrified and talked to them about being gracious, but it wasn’t…
For people who work from home, then the road ahead probably sounds tedious. For people who must go to work and interact with other people, getting the vaccine (whether this month or four months from now) will provide more peace of mind even if they can’t go out for after-work drinks and hug their grandmother just yet.
I’m so sorry. I don’t know shit about this, but while I imagine having a partner who wants to coparent is easier than going it alone, I’ll bet that having a partner who’s not into it (but is still a parent) is a lot worse than doing it independently. And emotionally damaging to the child. Have that baby, though!…
I’m an absolute slob and was living peacefully alone in absolute slobbitude for years. One of my exes would come over frequently since I had my own place and sulkily do my dishes without my asking him to. I always expressed gratitude but honestly found his tone about the dishes a little patronizing! When I was growing …
I loooove Italian wedding cookies. I don’t know what it is about them. It may be because I never make them that they seem like such a treat.