
I have a lot of sympathy for Jamie Lynn as the younger sister of two extremely charismatic older siblings who both now have significant mental health challenges. You’ve always been the responsible one, but that responsibility weighs more and more heavily on you as family problems progress.  

Definitely! We got a lot of coaching about consent (good!) and sex during orientation, but I don’t really remember much else, health-wise.  

I have an addictive personality which is what led to binging and hiding food. I used food as a coping mechanism and that, coupled with anxiety and depression, led to weight gain and issues.

the beard is fucking awful

It’s news because a lot of people (mostly women) are genuinely excited about it. At least, they are on my Twitter feed. I don’t think it’s really any different than when a fast food place reintroduces a menu favorite or a certain flavor of chips is restocked and it makes headlines. If the news does not pertain to

Holy shit, congratulations! That inspires me. But I’m sorry you had to go through that. Parents want the “what works/worked for me will work for my kids” mentality because it’s comfortable for them. Not just re: food and exercise, but in many aspects of parenting. In fact, it is important to acknowledge that your kid

It’s such a toxic version of female strength, and it’s pushed on both sides.

31,500 dollars in penalties and interest

He will get four more years.

I like your theory better. And I also think it’s true, because I’ve seen it over and over again with prominent conservatives. 

Not to mention the housing prices in Oakland are outrageous. My in-laws finally broke last year and now my MIL drives 1.5-2 hours, one way, to get to work.

Yes, I agree. Though my reading of Serena Joy was that she had deluded herself into believing the nonsense she was touting and only saw the cracks in her own logic when her power in the patriarchal society she established was eroded. But I could be wrong—maybe Kimberley Guilfoyle has also deluded herself. I just don’t

As someone who has had maybe two pumpkin spice lattes in my entire life, I believe the sheer amount of hate levied against pumpkin spice lattes is gendered and weird. Get a hobby, people. It’s just a fuckin latte.

If you don’t know the kind of women to whom Kim is relatable, I envy you. There’s a lot of ignorant shouty women out there (who value their own irreverence and see their toleration of Trump’s glaring character flaws as evidence of their own political pragmatism and general “open-mindedness”) and she is yelling right

your photo is a particularly uncanny angle, others look more like her now, but there’s no denying that bad botox and a bad tan have aged her beyond her years.

Unfortunately, Menage a Trois is a my FIL’s go-to wine. I say unfortunately because what a name. But it’s a good wine for the price point, and I happily drink it when he buys it. 

I agree that children learn their habits from their parents, but you also have to consider that these things can backfire. Parents who are very in shape and conscious about their food intake can inspire the polar opposite reactions in their obstinate teens. Sometimes, it’s good to let teens be the center of attention

I think it’s important to bear in mind that these people are not True Believers. She’s manipulating people. She’s not actually this dumb and this is not her ideology, it’s the ideology she finds most profitable right now. At some point when she was younger and less desperate for fame, seeing her whole life stretched

From where this picture is taken, there is an access point from the colonnade that doesn’t have steps. DC is definitely full of steps, but the White House tour is accessible according to the website. 

Sure it’s disgusting but, for me, something about this nickname works.